1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 24, 2005 7:50 AM by thomas.diesler

    How to handle Complex Data Types?


      I went through the following :

      The questions I have are :

      1. Will the above method work even for Complex data types returned from my SEI?

      2. The client is a Java Application. The questions are :

      a. Should jboss-ws4ee*.jar should be in the classpath?
      b. How do I specify jaxrpc-mapping.xml to the client? I do not have access to it and it seems to be a server side artifact
      c. How is the ws4ee URL generated?


        • 1. Re: How to handle Complex Data Types?

          WS client and service endpoints are fundamentally disconnected. To provide a WS4EE service endpoint on JBoss is one ball game. Connecting from a WS4EE client to an external web service is another. Both parties should not care what technology the other uses.

          1) yes

          2ab) only if it is a WS4EE client running on JBoss

           * Get the web service address for either an JSE or an EJB endpoint
           * <p/>
           * EJB: [schema][host]:[port]/[port-component-uri|deployment name/port-component-name]
           * JSE: [schema][host]:[port]/[path derived from servlet mapping in web.xml]
           * @param schema The url schema, can be 'http://' or 'https://', or null
           * @param pcmd The port component meta data
           * @return
           public String getServiceLocation(String schema, PortComponentMetaData pcmd)
           String ejbLink = pcmd.getEjbLink();
           String servletLink = pcmd.getServletLink();
           String serviceName = pcmd.getPortComponentName();
           String servicePath = null;
           // For a web based service endpoint it is derived from the servlet mapping
           if (servletLink != null)
           WebMetaData metaData = (WebMetaData)di.metaData;
           Map servletMappings = metaData.getServletMappings();
           String urlPattern = (String)servletMappings.get(servletLink);
           if (urlPattern == null)
           throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot obtain servlet-mapping for: " + servletLink);
           if (urlPattern.startsWith("/") == false)
           urlPattern = "/" + urlPattern;
           servicePath = metaData.getContextRoot() + urlPattern;
           else if (ejbLink != null)
           ApplicationMetaData amd = (ApplicationMetaData)di.metaData;
           BeanMetaData bmd = (BeanMetaData)amd.getBeanByEjbName(ejbLink);
           if (bmd == null)
           throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find ejb-name: " + ejbLink);
           // Use the webservice context root if we have one
           String contextRoot = amd.getWebServiceContextRoot();
           // If not, derive the context root from the deployment short name
           if (contextRoot == null)
           String shortName = di.shortName;
           contextRoot = shortName.substring(0, shortName.indexOf('.'));
           if (di.parent != null)
           shortName = di.parent.shortName;
           contextRoot = shortName.substring(0, shortName.indexOf('.')) + "/" + contextRoot;
           contextRoot = "/" + contextRoot;
           di.context.put(WEBSERVICE_CONTEXT_ROOT, contextRoot);
           EjbPortComponentMetaData ejbpcMetaData = bmd.getPortComponent();
           if (ejbpcMetaData != null && ejbpcMetaData.getPortComponentURI() != null)
           servicePath = ejbpcMetaData.getPortComponentURI();
           servicePath = contextRoot + "/" + serviceName;
           throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find valid <servlet-link> nor <ejb-link> in port component meta data");
           if (servicePath.endsWith("/*"))
           servicePath = servicePath.substring(0, servicePath.indexOf("/*"));
           if (schema == null)
           schema = "http://";
           int port = 0;
           String host = null;
           String serviceEndpointAddress = null;
           host = (String)server.getAttribute(AxisServiceMBean.OBJECT_NAME, "WebServiceHost");
           port = ((Integer)server.getAttribute(AxisServiceMBean.OBJECT_NAME, "WebServicePort")).intValue();
           if ("https://".equals(schema))
           port = ((Integer)server.getAttribute(AxisServiceMBean.OBJECT_NAME, "WebServiceSecurePort")).intValue();
           serviceEndpointAddress = new URL(schema + host + ":" + port + servicePath).toExternalForm();
           catch (Exception e)
           log.error("Cannot obtain attribute from AxisService, cause: " + e.toString());
           return serviceEndpointAddress;