Today the first candidate release of the Eclipse Glassfish server targeting the new Jakarta EE 8 release is available. This was a huge effort to move the Glassfish source repositories over to the Eclipse github organization. It was accompanied by the move of TCK project as well. You can read about the details in Dmitry Kornilov’s blog here.
Red Hat’s Support of Jakarta EE
Red Hat is committed to supporting the evolution of enterprise Java at Eclipse and has been focusing on development of the Eclipse Jakarta EE specification process as well as helping with getting the migrated projects and TCK projects running under the eclipse CI infrastructure.
The new specification process is a replacement for the Java Community Process (JCP) used to develop the Java EE specification through Java EE 8. It provides a fully open source based process that includes specifications, APIs and TCKs. The Eclipse Jakarta EE specification process will be used to develop the next generation of the EE4J specifications. Mike Milinkovich has written about the current process draft status in detail here. The initial draft is in public review, so I recommend you take the opportunity to browse through it and make comments on the draft document provided in Mike’s blog post.