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I’m extremely excited for Red Hat to be able to sponsor a JUDCon here because throughout the history of JBoss and then Red Hat, French developers and users have been at the heart of everything we do. Whether it’s the Ceylon language, Camel, ActiveMQ, or WildFly, for instance, you can find French core developers working for us or other companies driving the innovation forward at a rapid pace. Therefore, it is only fitting that we have a JUDCon here because, as many of you will know from the history of JUDCon, this is an event ‘By Developers and For Developers’. We’ve been running JUDCons throughout the world for many years and whilst the themes of the tracks may have changed between events, the underlying theme remains the same: if you want to learn about the innovative things going on with enterprise Java in all of its guises then come to JUDCon and listen to the presentations; if you want to share your experiences with others in the audience then you’ll find plenty of opportunity at the events in and around the sessions; if you just want to be inspired for the next great coding adventure ahead of you then this is one of the best events to be at. JUDCon is about community participation in all of its forms and I really hope you enjoy this event as much as we have enjoyed pulling it together.
- Mark Little, VP Red Hat, CTO JBoss.
twitter: @lanceball
For many companies, making the switch to microservices can be a big change. There are new architectures and patterns to consider, dev ops challenges, and the cloud. Red Hat’s OpenShift is not just for Java developers. If you want to learn more about Node.js on OpenShift, this session will break it all down for you. I will discuss what Node.js offerings are available through OpenShift, and how to quickly get up and running with a simple application.
But, of course, your business does not run on toy applications, and so we will dig a little deeper to learn how to deploy resilient, load balanced Node.js microservices on OpenShift. Touching on clustering, service discovery, and how your Node microservices can participate as an equal in an enterprise Java ecosystem.
twitter: @emmanuelbernard
Les systèmes in-memory comme Infinispan sont largement utilisés et deviennent le lubrifiant WD-40 de la donnée: accélérer l'accès aux données, tailler la donnée aux petits oignons pour le cas d'utilisation, etc. Ces outils sont versatiles et peuvent être utilisés d'un milliard de façons différentes. Mais contrairement au ruban adhésif et au WD-40, il n'est pas intuitif de savoir quand et comment les utiliser.
Dans cette session, nous allons explorer des architectures et des cas d'utilisation pratiques où les systèmes in-memory font la différence. Vous sortirez de cette présentation avec des exemples concrets pour dégripper vos données.
This talk will emphasise that “size isn’t everything” and that what is the “right size” very much depends on your specific circumstances. Within that context, we will discuss developing Java EE “Right Size” services with WildFly Swarm, while providing various diverse demonstrations on how WildFly Swarm works and its ease of use.
Twitter: @bdmg108
The IoT world is booming, a number of IoT platforms and cellular technologies, such as Lora, SigFox, NB-IOT and LTE-M are competing to get a slice of this market. In this presentation, first we will take a look into the various emerging IoT cellular standards and platforms. Once we compare the pros and cons of each technologies, we will explore an approach that leverage not only the strength of these stack but also the potential of the Open Source model to help create your solutions.
Twitter: @lulf
This session presents the story of implementing a Messaging-as-a-Service platform on top of OpenShift, built around message brokers and routers. The presentation accompanied with a demo will demonstrate how we have solved issues along the way from the perspective of developers. You will learn about how we have solved messaging-specific issues such as horizontal scaling of brokers and message routing. The session will also explore generic issues relevant to developers using OpenShift: Management and distribution of dynamic run-time configuration for the platform; Creating a domain-specific interface for deploying configuration; Doing continuous delivery of the platform on OpenShift; Handling topology changes.
Twitter: @gunnarmorling
Rich UIs, schemaless datastores, microservices communicating with each other - the need for powerful and easy-to-use data validation services has never been bigger.
The Bean Validation standard is here to help, providing Java developers with a rich validation API based on annotations. Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) takes validation to the next level by leveraging Java 8 features such as lambdas, additional annotation locations and repeatable annotations. This opens up exciting opportunities for Bean Validation - e.g. List<@Email String>. There will also be support for Optional, the java.time API and more.
Join us and see what's planned for Bean Validation 2.0 and what's already done. Like its predecessors, JSR 380 is developed fully in the open: come exchange, propose and participate!
Twitter: @apupier
Fuse Tooling is a powerful Integrated Development Environment for integrations projects based on Apache Camel and Jboss Fuse. During the talk, I will show the best features of Fuse Tooling which had a reworked UI this year:
Apache Camel is an integration framework based on Enterprise Integration Patterns. It empowers developers to define routing and mediation rules. JBoss Fuse is the productized version of Apache Camel provided by Red Hat. It helps you to configure and deploy in tested and supported environments. Environments that can be on-premise or in the Cloud.
In the demanding world of capital market systems, features like scalability, availability, and high throughput are second nature. With the increased adoption of microservices and SOA-based architectures in the industry, addressing these challenges in messaging systems is more difficult than ever before. This has led to the birth of myriad of distributed messaging systems, each providing a set of components (broker, router, messaging APIs) that can be combined to meet our challenges.
Companies trying to integrate such technologies face a difficult problem:
Whether you are familiar with messaging systems or not, you will find this talk interesting as the lessons learned are universal and applicable to any type of distributed system. You will also learn how our CI gained us tons of fans in the Apache Qpid community.
Twitter: @tsegismont
Avec l'avènement de l'Internet mobile et de l'IoT (Internet of Things), les applications modernes doivent être capables de répondre à de fortes charges, tout en restant tolérantes aux pannes et facilement redimensionnables. Mais côté performances, la fête est finie : l’augmentation exponentielle promise par la loi de Moore a atteint ses limites. Il faut désormais changer de paradigme de programmation pour exploiter au mieux tous les innovations sur les cœurs de nos machines.
Dans cette présentation, nous ferons valoir les avantages de la programmation réactive. Puis nous vous guiderons à travers les étapes de création d'une application web avec Vert.x 3 et RxJava, communiquant avec des bases de données, des services distants et des entrepôts de données modernes. Vous apprendrez comment Vert.x s'intègre avec RxJava, et pourquoi sa simplicité en fait la plateforme parfaite pour les applications réactives.
Twitter: @julienviet
Vert.x est un toolkit pour écrire des applications réactives et polyglottes pour la JVM. Vert.x fournit aujourd’hui un écosystème complet et modulaire qui intègre le paradigme réactif de bout en bout, performant et facile à utiliser pour tout type d’applications.
La richesse de l'écosystème Vert.x permet de développer aussi bien une application web de type temps réel, de faire de l’IoT, d’implémenter des adaptateurs de protocoles, d’écrire des applications distribuées et bien entendu de concevoir et intégrer des micro-services.
La pile Vert.x offre des connecteurs vers les bases de données SQL et NoSQL populaires, les services d’authentification, de logging, de monitoring et de messaging. Vert.x est également flexible dans les modèles de programmation concurrente : fibres, RxJava, Scala futures, etc.
Après avoir abordé les bases de Vert.x, nous étudierons quelques briques intéressantes de son écosystème afin de voir en quoi Vert.x est aussi bien adapté à des applications à fort traffic que des expérimentations plus modestes.
Twitter: @julienviet
Le protocole HTTP/2 est l’évolution la plus récente d’HTTP. Des techniques telles que concaténation ou sprites CSS sont utilisées par la majorité des applications web pour réduire le temps de chargement de pages et améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. HTTP/2 a été conçu pour résoudre ces problèmes.
Les microservices basés sur HTTP peuvent souffrir des même limitations sur le serveur ou le client. Grande concurrence et faible latence sont un facteur important pour les performances de tels microservices et HTTP/2 apporte une solution. Pour les microservices de type RPC, gRPC est un framework haute performance multi plateforme bâti sur HTTP/2 et Protocol Buffers.
Que vos microservices utilisent HTTP ou du RPC pour communiquer, HTTP/2 peut faire des miracles!
Dans cette session, nous utiliserons HTTP/2 pour améliorer la concurrence, les performances et la sécurité de vos microservices, avec Eclipse Vert.x une boite à outil pour développer, déployer et gérer vos microservices réactif et distribués.
Vous apprendrez:
Twitter: @mwessendorf
The community driven Microprofile initiative aims to optimize Enterprise Java for a microservices architecture, by leveraging a few Java EE APIs, such as JAX-RS, CDI and JSONP. With this minimal, but very powerful set of technologies, the profile is a perfect base for modern Java EE applications in combinations new technologies, such as integration with Apache Kafka for reactive stream processing. The session gives a short introduction to Apache Kafka and WildFly Swarm. You will learn about integration between WildFly Swarm's Microprofile fraction and Apache Kafka, mixing both Java EE standard APIs as well as Kafka Client APIs. The session is supported by a demo, showing processing of mobile application data for metric analysis. The session ends with an outlook how to run the different parts on Docker and Kubernetes, as well as bringing in other technologies for consuming Kafka messages, such as Vert.x.
Twitter: @yanaga
In a Microservices architecture with multiple moving parts we can’t allow that a single complement downtime breaks down the entire system. Dealing with stateless code is easy, but it gets much harder when we have to deal with persistent state. In this scenario, zero downtime migrations are paramount to guarantee integrity and consistency.
Within all the Microservices characteristics, undoubtedly the one that creates more perplexity is the “one database per Microservice”. However, very few teams have the privilege of starting something from scratch: most of the times they have a legacy database that will survive any new implementation.
In legacy systems you traditionally have a model that adopts transactions and CRUD. Now we must reassess some of these concepts. In this talk we’ll discuss consistency, CRUD and CQRS, Event Sourcing, and how these techniques relate to each other in many different integration strategies for databases. We’ll explore Views, Materialized Views, Mirror Tables, Event Sourcing, Data Virtualization, Change Data Capture, and how these strategies enable you to build up a Microservices architecture from a legacy monolithic relational database.
Twitter: @yanaga
The “deploy moment” is an occasion that still gives many developers the shivers. But it shouldn’t be this way (at least not every time). Luckily enough, we have tools and processes today that enable us to turn the deploy moment into an usual activity. Gone where the days when we had to automate everything by hand. Today we have Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Fabric8 to automate out-of-box many different scenarios. And if we need even more advanced scenarios we can use tools like Zuul and FF4J to solve the cumbersome parts for us.
Come and join this live demo session with lots of different deployment scenarios: from basic to advanced. We'll cover the basic deployment concepts and then we'll dig into demoing how can we use open source tools like Kubernetes, OpenShift, Fabric8, Zuul and FF4J to master the deployment art.
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