• OData_Issue_0201.docx

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    last modified by sagarika1in
  • No Rest Services deployed

    Hello,   I am trying to develop an application which publishes REST services. I am using Wildfly 10 final. Initially I was able to call the one REST Service I have implemented. But after adding several classes...
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    last modified by marcusdidiusfalco
  • CLI - Paging long CLI output

    Paging long CLI output   AnalysisSummaryOffer a workflow to navigate long content in a paged way. RequirementsIn interative mode only, it doesn’t apply to script nor redirected output, if the page is longer...
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    last modified by jdenise
  • CLI- Analysis of SSL commands

    SSL commands for CLI AnalysisSummaryOffer a set of commands to enable/disable SSL for management interfaces and undertow http-server. RequirementsHide and group the set of low level DMR operations exposed by elytron...
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    last modified by jdenise
  • SSL commands for CLI

    I am initiating this document to collect feedbacks on a possible new set of CLI commands.   CONTEXT We have JIRA EAP7-702 that is asking for high level operations for elytron. In order to bootstrap this feature, ...
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    last modified by jdenise
  • Deploy and undeploy with the CLI

    Deployment and undeployment in the CLI is done with the corresponding commands: deploy and undeploy. Each of these operations may consist of a few steps. E.g., first step to deploy an application is to upload its con...
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    last modified by aloubyansky
  • Authentication commands for CLI

    NB: This document is an attempt to acquire feedbacks on some possible commands that could be added to CLI to make Authentication configuration "simple" for main use cases.   CLI authentication commands expectati...
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    last modified by jdenise
  • JBoss AS 7.2.0 - Java EE application development - 00.Sumarry (English Version)

    Chinese Version: 开发基于JBoss AS 7.2.0的Java EE程序   or  开发基于JBoss AS 7.2.0的Java EE程序 - Chinese Version   Preface  In 2005, somebody introduced JBoss AS to me. But at that time, I was a newbie to...
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    last modified by ybxiang.china
  • Two phase commit (2PC)

    A well-known algorithm to achieve ACID transaction outcomes is the two-phase commit protocol. 2PC (part of a family of consensus protocols) serves to coordinate the commit of a distributed transaction, i.e one that up...
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    last modified by ochaloup
  • Maven Staging Settings

    This page contains recommended Maven settings for use when testing a staged release.  There are two parts of the default Maven settings that should be configured when testing a staged release.   The Local Re...
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    last modified by y.rodiere
  • Design Notes for Graceful Shutdown upon receipt of a SIGTERM

    Issue analysis for the request to invoke the WildFly graceful shutdown logic when the server process is terminated via an operating system signal and not by a management operation.   Overview  WildFly 10 int...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Spring Webflux + Wildfly

    Spring Webflux Spring Framework 5.0 introduced a new functional web framework (based on Reactive Streams). I have read a lot of posts about Spring Webflux. Most of them show how it works under Netty. In this article,...
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    last modified by zhurlik
  • Widfly 9 - Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call

    Hi,   After deploying *.war file without error by Widfly 9 final. I accessed the website and got an issue: - The website show screen: - The server.log:   2017-12-27 00:10:58,673 INFO  [org.jboss.as...
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    last modified by fg192
  • CLI - Support for operators | , >> and grep command

    Support for | and >> operators and grep command   AnalysisSummaryAesh 1.0 comes with a set of useful operators. 2 are of particular interest in CLI: In order to extend the CLI ‘>’ support wi...
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    last modified by jdenise
  • PicketLink REST API

    Background You may be in a situation where you need SSO for your REST based applications.  The other situation is when you need SSO for your scripts.  This article will talk about the use of PicketLink Rest ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • CLI- Better completion for arguments

    Better completion for arguments   AnalysisSummaryUse completion to help choose the right arguments/properties to use to compose an operation. This doesn’t apply to command. RequirementsCompletion helps unde...
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    last modified by jdenise
  • Design notes on allowing multiple jboss-module versions / roots to be used when starting an embedded server / hostcontroller

    Overview  Use (or not) of jboss-modules in the CLI or for embedded server boot has some areas that could be improved. Most of these issues are located around what versions of modules and / or which module direct...
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    last modified by luck3y
  • Design notes for allowing an embedded hostcontroller to be started with empty host and / or domain configuration files

    Overview  Currently, the embedded host controller (embed-host-controller) does not permit empty configuration files to be used when booting a new instance of the HC. A similar behavior is currently supported in ...
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    last modified by luck3y
  • How do I add all web resources to the ShrinkWrap archive?

    When writing UI tests, for instance with WebDriver, you may want to add all the resources (e.g., web templates) to the ShrinkWrap archive rather than having to add each one explicitly. You can perform this task using ...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Design Notes for socket log handler

    Overview  Pushing log messages to a centralized log collector/server seems to be a more common practice, especially with microservices. This can currently be done with a syslog-handler. However newer collectors ...
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    last modified by jamezp