Version 50

    This page describes the Release Process for JBoss Portal.


    1. Make sure everything according to the QAPreReleaseChecklist is completed.

    2. Make sure that portal docs has also been tagged with same tag that of portal source.

    3. Verify with developers that they have successfully run clustering tests at their end.

    4. Checkout the appropriate tag for the current release in the same directory the portal and the documentation

      1. Checkout jboss-portal-2.4 / jboss-portal-2.6

      2. Checkout jboss-portal-2.4-docs / jboss-portal-2.6-docs (instructions on work with SVN can be found here - PortalSVNRepo)

      3. Make sure org.jboss.portal.server.PortalConstants has the correct release version (same applies to build/distrib.xml)

    5. Build the source

    6. If you are testing Portal 2.4, you need to update some jars that are used in WSRP with the one from AS. Following jars need to be updated when testing with JDK1.4:

      1. thirdparty/jbossas/core-libs/jboss-xml-binding.jar

      2. thirdparty/jboss/jbossws14/lib/jbossws14-client.jar (use jbossws-client.jar with jdk1.5)

      3. thirdparty/jboss/jbossws14/lib/jbossws14.sar (use jbossws.sar with jdk1.5)

      4. thirdparty/jboss/jbossxb/lib/jboss-xml-binding.jar

    7. When testing with mysql5, follow the instructions at AvoidMySQL5DataTruncationErrors

    8. Set JBOSS_HOME to dir where jboss-4.0.5.GA is installed. Execute testsuite/build.xml tests and check the results (this target requires a JBOSS_HOME variable set in your environment, for correct deployment)

    9. Run the clustering portlet test. More instructions here - PortalClusteringTests

    10. Verify LDAP integration - ManualLDAPIntegrationTests

    1. after reviewing the results, make sure to execute the testsuite's 'clean' target, so the test results files are not included in the distributions.

    2. report any errors on the JIRA task created for the specific release

    3. Make sure both deploy targets work - build/build.xml deploy and wsrp/build.xml deploy (for WSRP to work, but wsrp.sar and jboss-portal.sar need to be deployed)

    4. Run Identity LDAP related tests (for portal 2.6 and above) - this just requires building portal sources and running testsuite under jdk1.5 (you can run only identity  by test-module -Dmodule=identity) To check if proper tests where invoked be sure that org.jboss.portal.test.identity.ldap is covered in tests reports. To run LDAP tests you need to have jboss-vpn access. These tests could take a long time if running over VPN so you should better run it in qa lab itself.

    5. Manually check if portal is deploying and working

    6. Update the log4j setting for jboss cache to ERROR in log4j.xml in jboss bundle before building distribution.

    7. Make sure the files and ant have executable permissions in the src distro created. JBPORTAL-1515

    8. Execute $PORTAL_HOME/build/distrib.xml main to create the bundles and documentation passing as parameter jboss.home the path to the jboss application server ( -f distrib.xml -Djboss.home=/home/pjha/jboss-4.2.0.GA for example) - (Note: From now on, post 2.6.0, we should ship the bundle version using JBoss AS 4.2)

      1. There are 3 distributions created - binaries, binaries ha and bundle (as well as the forums portlet : we don't do release forums for now)

      2. Verify the binaries deploy correctly with jboss-4.0.5.GA(jdk1.4) and jboss-4.2.GA (with jdk1.5)

      3. Verify the src distribution compiles and deploys correctly

      4. (Verify the forums portlet deploys correctly : we don't do forums for now)

      5. Verify that jbossas bundled with portal starts without a problem

      6. With bundled distro, run tests related to cms, theme, user creation, wsrp as mentioned in portal test plan documentation. Here is a quick summary:

        1. Start portal and run tests in Test Page and Test with Ajax page. The difference between Test Page and Ajax page is with URL portlet test. Add some text for Name and Value in URLPortletWindow portlet without clicking on Add. Then add some text for Name, Value for AsynchPortletWindow and click Add. Name value pair should be added but it should not change any texts in textboxes in URLPortletWindow.

        2. Login as user

          1. Click on Dashboard. You should be able to drag and drop different portlets in page.

          2. Edit profile in User portlet and verify you can save changes and corresponding changes get reflected. For example change the theme.

          3. Log out and there should not be any exception thrown.


        1. Login as admin

          1. Click on admin

          2. Go to wsrp page

          3. Create a consumer with your favorite name, with "use WSDL" and give as WSDL address. You should be able to save it. Click on refresh and give bea for registration/consumer role and it should validate successfully. Hit Cancel. You should be able to destroy consumer as well from the main WSRP config page.

        2. Run wsrp unit tests from portal testsuite as well as other wsrp tests when there is no internet connection. See


        1. Management Portlet

          1. While logged in as admin, go to Home portal page. Select different portal and try to modify their layout, security, theme and make sure they work.

          2. Add a portlet to a page using wizard by clicking on "Switch to wizard mode" and verify that the portlet you added is visible in page by clicking on "portal" on top right corner.


        1. User and Role Creation

          1. While logged in as admin, go to Members page.

          2. Create new role,user and you should be able to assign different roles to different users.


        1. CMS portlet

          1. Select all options one by one in "Select Action" and make sure that all file operations are correct.

          2. Under CMS administration main page, Click on default->index.html->edit the page using WYSIWYG editor and hit create. You should be able to see your changes by clicking on "Portal" on top right


        1. Go through issues found in JBQA-876, JBQA-790, JBQA-777


    1. Update JEMS installer to include latest Portal binaries

      1. Upload Portal binaries to repository

      2. Update portal.version property value in (SVN:

      3. Build and test installer: JEMSInstallerReleaseGuide

    2. Compile the good release notes

      1. Go to

      2. Select the appropriate version click on 2.4 for instance

      3. If the release is not the final we need to filter out and keep only the resolved issues

        1. In the filter view click edit

        2. Change matching resolution to done

        3. Update the view according to the new filter

        4. In the issue navigator tab click on "Release Notes" for the current view

        5. Copy the current release notes

    3. Upload Portal and JEMS Installer to SourceForge, along with the respective MD5 sums and verify the files are picked up by the mirrors

    4. Download the uploaded binaries from sourceforge, run jbossas bundled with portal and verify that server starts without any problem

    5. Update with the dowload link for this portal release. If you have admin access to labs pages, you should see "Edit This Page" link at top left. To get admin access, send an e-mail to labs guys.