Version 13


    Step 7 of 8 - Previous | Next


    Step 7 - Build/Deploy/Run Seam Example Applications

    If you have skipped any steps, be sure to do Step #3 before proceeding. The instructions assume you have already installed/configured Seam.


    Go to your Seam home directory.



    Edit Be sure to change "jboss.home" to point to the JBoss server that you created in Step #1. Also, change "jbossHasMyFacesLifecycleBug" to "false".



    Open a command prompt to your Seam home directory.



    Change to the "./examples/booking" directory.



    Run "ant deploy". This will deploy the hotel booking example EAR file and a datasource. You can run other examples easily. Just "cd ../examples/different_example", and run "ant deploy".



    cd to your JBoss server bin and run "run.bat". This will start JBoss.



    Go to http://localhost:8080/seam-booking. You can login with the user: "gavin" password: "foobar". This application demonstrates facelets, EJB3, and Seam.



    The project source file structure is as follows:


    • src - Java source files

    • view - Facelets, CSS stylesheets and images

    • resources - Datasource and all necessary EAR configuration files

    • build - The directory that stores the built EAR, WAR, JAR and test classes.

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