Version 2

    Welcome to the JBoss implementation of J2EE compliant web services (ws4ee). Starting from J2EE-1.4 a compliant application server is required to support web services in a portable way.





    There is a server side programming model and a client side programming model to ws4ee. The server side programming model is about exposing stateless session beans as well as plain java objects as service endpoints. The client side programming model is about how to access remote web services from your J2EE components. The ws4ee specification defines a set of deployment descriptors and standard APIs to access web service related objects (eg. SOAP msg, message context).





    The content on this page is relevant for jboss-4.0.4 and above.


    For other versions see Supported Web Service Stacks.





    JBossAS-4.0.x is a J2EE-1.4 compliant app server. It therefore targets jdk-1.4. If you want to use the EJB3 or JSR-181 features, you must install JBoss using the installer. You'll have to select the 'ejb3' profile in the installer and make sure you're running jdk-1.5.


    Frequently Asked Questions












    Integration With Other Platforms


    Articles on the Web


    J2EE-1.4 Web Services Specifications



    J2EE-5.0 Web Services Specifications



    Optional advanced Web Services specifications



    Please provide feedback on your needs of these optional WS specifications as this will influence what we will put on the JBossWS roadmap.