Get the jbpm.dist module from CVS
cvs co jbpm.dist
Extract the cvs version
extract /bin/ to a temp folder
add the cvs and zip binary to the beginning of your path
Check jboss 4.0.3.SP1 (the jbpm will be bundling this in the release process)
Modify the file to point to the 4.0.3.SP1 release
Set JAVA_HOME to a jdk 1.5 version
Run the build target 'ant checkout-and-create-dist' in jbpm.dist
Take the resulting files for a test drive
Unzip the starters-kit to a directory of your choice
update property in the jbpm-designer/ file
Use the jbpm-designer/build.xml script to install eclipse and the gpd in it
Start the designer with jbpm-designer/designer.bat and the server with jbpm-server/start.bat
Test the Eclipse GPD
Open Eclipse from Starter Kit.
Create a new jBPM project.
Run the JUnit test case. It should run successfully.
Open the process definition called "simple" and you should see the process graph.
Test Web Application
Follow the instructions at JbpmGettingStarted.
Upload the files to
Release the files with the 'File Releases' option in the sourceforge admin section, and files should be put under the package 'a) jBPM 3'
jbpm-gpd... files should be put under the package 'b) jBPM Process Designer'
jbpm-bpel... files should be put under the package 'c) jBPM BPEL extension'
Test the download to check if the files didn't get corrupt
Publish the news
To the mailing list: jbpm-users -at- lists -dot- sourceforge -dot- net
On the JBoss blog
On the jBPM news in the JBoss website
Main releases might also be posted on the home page