Attendees: Alex, Nick, Ilya, Konstantin, Tsikhon, Svetlana, Gleb, Rodney, and Jay
Note: Details are in the transcripts, very high level items and actions listed here
IRC Meeting
- AI Jay: get operator access to richfaces and set topics to meeting agendas and status
3.3.1 Status
- QA:
- A few major issues found in BETA2, but they have been fixed
- AI Tsikhon - let me know if sick team member risks schedule
- AI Tsikhon - update the test results with current values before the weekly meeting
- Dev:
- Most things going forward as planned
- RF-5226 may not be fixable in the 3.3.1 timeframe
- AI Nick: Take another look, if we need to postpone explain why and up to a Critical for 3.3.2
- Dev team is investigating a memory consumption issue that some users reported
- AI Nick: Create a jira for tracking if not already there
- Docs:
- No blockers
BETA3 release
- Konstantin has all the rights he needs to handle the releases
Layout component
- Theme dev Alex should finish initial theme dev by Wed/Thur
- Discussed having separate jar files for themes, much like some skins
- default "simple" theme values will be core lib
- Discussed creatiing an archtype for theme creation like skins.
- Easy to develop, and if not doc'd can be handled externally
- Discussed CDK option for theme creation as well
- AI Nick: Create a forum post to continue discussion
Jira Review
- Next week we'll focus on Jira review
- AI All: review jira prior to next meeting to discuss
RichFaces 4.0 planning meeting
- Design and breakout planning meeting in mid april
- AI Jay: Create meetings
- AI Jay: Write up current high level items in a wiki page
- AI Alex: Update the JSF 2.0 wiki page with latest plans based on latest JSF spec.