Note: Details are in transcript
- Status - already discussed this at RichFaces Team Meeting Minutes 9-22-2009
- Client-side library
- Relation to std. Moajarra library
- idea to replace jsf.js by providing our renderer for behaviors won't work, because jsf.js can contain another scripts necessary for JSF
- Another options
- override renderers for AJAX behavior to use some kind of richfaces.ajax function (i.e. all components should call RF JS API)
- replace jsf.ajax functions by our own implementation by loading our client-side library after jsf.js
- employ existing jsf.ajax functionality and extend it with our features
- keep both implementations and let them work side-by-side - JSF components use jsf.ajax and RF components use richfaces.ajax
- straight way to parallel request problems
- Alex proposed to use custom behavior renderer that loads all libraries (standard and extension) and manages additional features as the best solution, so we'll go this way
- override renderers for AJAX behavior to use some kind of richfaces.ajax function (i.e. all components should call RF JS API)
- List of features - most of this features are impossible to implement as extension to std. AJAX API
- queue extensions
- addition of external scripts/styles by AJAX request
- server-side code should be able to add/redefine oncomplete/onbeforedomupdate handlers for the current request
- cleanup for DOM elements and components
- browser history support
- generation of debug information for AJAX log - e.g. submitted parameter values
- "push" feature
- ...?
- Design goals
- graceful downgrade of functionality with the standard script
- compatibility with 3rd party components (including std. JSF components as they're external for us)
- clear API and documentation
- Relation to std. Moajarra library
- Queues
- Improval for existing queues functionality
- Ilya has updated spec. with that
- Ilya shall add details for std. components behavior
- JSF queuing is now opposite to updated spec.
- Improval for existing queues functionality
- Data tables
- Models implementation discussion thread
- Everybody is welcome to comment in this forum thread
- Models implementation discussion thread
- CDK walkthrough article
- Alex has created a number of articles:
- Ilya is going to test it and will add created project archive to the article to ease walkthrough
- Alex has created a number of articles:
- Wiki content should be split between 3.x and 4.x versions to avoid confusion between Ajax4JSF CDK (wiki search reveals number of articles for this) and RF4 CDK
- "How to build" article
- To describe: new build system structure, necessary environment setup and basical usage
- Anton will create draft of the article and e-mail it for review