4.0.0.ALPHA2 Release
- Team mostly focused on 3.3.2.GA release
- Detailed discussion to wait for next week - post 3.3.2.GA
Client Side Library Plans
- AI Alex: Keep working with EG and RI team on interop issues with sf.js
- Interop is a priority for spec and us
- AI Jay and Alex: Post 3.3.2.GA work together on technical issues, and post blog discussing RF approach
Iteration Components
- Anton gave summary of progress
- Some questions asked, but no time to focus on 4.0
- Postpone for next weeks meeting
3.3.2.GA Release Discussion
- We broke into a 3.3.2.GA talk
- We will be releasing Monday Oct 5th
- Everything should be verified, staged, and ready by end of day Friday
- This worked well for the 3.3.2.CR1 release
- Final Build
- Alex to kick off when demo merge confirmed
- QE to perform final testing
- Doc & Jay to verify doc bundle and work with IT to upload
- AI Ilya: Create RFPL jira for CDK walkthrough archive work
- AI Jay: Follow up on other community topics next week