Version 15


    The JBoss developer community is organizing a Hackfest  following JUDCon.  A Hackfest is a place and time for developers to  meet, face-to-face, and work on code.


    It's a great place for community members to meet and learn from project contributors.


    Throughout  the evening, project leads and committers will be present to provide  guidance and discussion. Community members are welcome to bring their  JBoss-related projects to  the Hackfest.

    Bug Mash

    Projects will have lists of tasks and issues suitable for new and seasoned contributors.

    Lightning Talks

    Every  so often, we'll hold "lightning talks" where presenters will be given a  few minutes to drum up excitement and draft contributors to work on  particular issues or topics.  Community members are encouraged to bring  their ideas to present also.


    7 October, 19:30 - 1:00


    JUDCon venue


    BoxGrinder, CloudMarek Goldmann7pm - ?
    Infinispan, Hibernate Search, Lucene, CloudSanne Grinovero7pm - ?
    JGroups, cloud, JBoss clusteringBela Ban

    7pm - ?

    Seam, Weld, Arquillian, cloudPete Muir7pm - ?
    Arquillian, ShrinkWrap, Descriptors, cloudAslak Knutsen7pm - ?
    IronJacamar, Tattletale, JBoss Profiler, PapakiJesper Pedersen7pm - ?
    IronJacamar, WiseStefano Maestri7pm - ?
    Workflow/BPM, rules, jBPM, DroolsKris Verlaenen7pm - ?
    RHQ writing agent pluginsHeiko Rupp

    7pm - ?

    GWT, Errai, CDIHeiko Braun

    7pm - ?

    Creating CDI applications with GWT frontends. Leveraging Seam 3 (Weld)

    GateIn, PicketLink IDMBoleslaw Dawidowicz7pm - ?

    GateIn, CRaSH

    Julien Viet7pm - ?


    * All times are tentative; we are shifty hackers, after-all.