This should contain up to date list of components which have already been added in Metamer, templates used for a component (list.xhtml) and where tests have been written for that component or not. To sum it up, this should be one stop shop to see Metamer progress.
green color = sample provided; tests in Selenium 2
red color = sample provided; but component not covered by tests at all
blue color = <not used>
black color = has to be rewritten to Selenium 2
Rich Context Menu
- tests for page Various components as placeholder does not exist
Rich Data Grid
Rich Data Scroller
Rich Data Table
- missing all JS API tests -- tests are copy-paste
- sample page contains 2/7 components comunicating with component's JS API -- sorting and clear sorting
Rich Drop Down Menu
Rich Editor
Rich Extended Data Table
- missing all JS API tests -- tests are copy-paste
- sample page contains 2/7 components comunicating with component's JS API -- sorting and clear sorting
Rich Focus
A4J Action Listener
A4J Ajax
A4J Attach Queue
A4J Command Button
A4J Command Link
A4J JavaScript Function
A4J Log
A4J Media Output
- missing tests for videos and sounds
A4J Output Panel
A4J Parameter
- assignTo
A4J Poll
A4J Push
- missing @onerror, (no fragment)
A4J Queue
A4J Region
A4J Repeat
A4J Status
Rich Accordion
- converter
Rich Autocomplete
- missing all JS API tests
Rich Calendar
Rich Collapsible Panel
- converter
Rich Collapsible Sub Table
- iterationStatusVar, rowKeyConverter, rowKeyVar, stateVar
Rich Collapsible Sub Table Toggler
Rich Column
- filterConverterMessage, filterType, sortType
Rich Column Group
Rich File Upload
- missing @serverErrorLabel
Rich Functions
Rich Graph Validator
Rich Hash Parameter
- rendered (after
Rich Hot Key
Rich Inplace Input
Rich Inplace Select
Rich Input Number Slider
- label (after
Rich Input Number Spinner
- label (after
Rich Item Change Listener
Rich jQuery
Rich List
- rowKeyConverter
Rich Menu Group
Rich Menu Item
Rich Menu Separator
Rich Message
Rich Messages
Rich Notify
Rich NotifyMessage
Rich NotifyMessages
Rich NotifyStack
Rich Ordering List
- (JS API function if needed:
Rich Panel Toggle Listener
Rich PickList
- (JS API function if needed:
Rich Placeholder
Rich Popup Panel
- overlapEmbedObjects (sample, only on Chrome), trimOverlayedElements (after , visualOptions (after
Rich Progress Bar
- no page fragment
Rich Select
Rich Toggle Panel
- converter
- no fragment
Rich Toggle Panel Item
- converter
Rich Component Control
Rich Tab
Rich Tab Panel
Rich Drag Indicator
Rich Drag Source
Rich Drop Target
Rich Panel
Rich Panel Menu
- + JS API coverage
Rich Panel Menu Group
Rich Panel Menu Item
Rich Toggle Control
Rich Toolbar
Rich Toolbar Group
Rich Tooltip
- attached, converter
Rich Tree
Rich Tree Node
Rich Tree Model Adaptor
Rich Tree Selection Change Listener
Rich Tree Toggle Listener
Rich Validator