Note: Details in transcript
- QE Status
- Final testing plans,status
- EOD Friday
- Hudson issues are being resolved
- Extended testing items
- Tools testing has been completed
- More browsers including FF4 & IE9
- Seam example testing, but not comprehensive
- Questions, concerns, etc...
- Lot of work TBD on docs
- CR2 for docs is planned
- This gives week for review
- RF-10766
- Should be resolved as 'Won't fix'
- QE guys will check it again
- Final testing plans,status
- Dev Status
- JSF 2.1 final status
- Nothing new, several JIRAs for integration should be open
- To be updated with 'jsf 2.1' label
- CSV issue
- #{null} attribute value is the reason for this - not a critical problem
- Don't forget RFPl issue
- Questions, comments, etc…
- JavaDoc updates in progress in /trunk
- VDL docs are generated and now should be integrated with the build
- JSF 2.1 final status
- Updated jira's with 4.0.1, and 4.1.0
- We are mainly focused on 4.0.0.F release
- Jira reviews underway
- but not focus for right now
- Online demo
- Scaling well, and performing well
- we are at around 5k visits and 52k+ page views since last week
- GAE compatibility emailed to get it updates
- Push blog
- Websocket fallback?
- Firefox 4 disabled WebSocket support:
- Does not work for push-demo in Jetty 8
- Websocket fallback?
- JettyPowered list updates
- Info has been sent, but no reply yet