The list of ideas for improving CDK:
(The forum thread to discuss such improvements:
Bug fixes
- c:foreach in a cast component will result on a List<Object> instead of List<UIComponent> RF-12230
- EL empty method doesn't work for Collection RF-12231
- generate both get* and is* methods for boolean/Boolean expressions RF-12249
- support arbitrary objects with the <cdk:object> tag RF-11668
Ease of use
- <cdk:object /> scoping RF-12195
- fix scanning for interfaces (XML-free inheritance of attributes using Java interfaces) RF-12261
- Do not overwrite encodeBegin/encodeEnd when extending RendererBase RF-12235
- short-cuts for repetitious expressions RF-12247
- Auto-casting #{component} inside the encodeBegin / encodeEnd methods RF-12248
High-level Features
- generating listener tags RF-12257
- support for data attributes RF-12177
- full support for iterative/dynamic components RF-12259
- cc:renderFacet RF-12260
- wildcard support in component attributes RF-12200
- Support "varStatus" attribute on c:forEach RF-12232
- Support for CDK fragments to allow recursion and abstraction of code RF-12226
- Support for combining custom taglib configuration with generated taglib files from CDK RF-12272
Performance improvements
- Conditional resource inclusion RFSBOX-4
- rendering scripts using JavaScriptService (deferred inititialization) RF-11822
Testing CDK
- test harness for testing features of CDK from high-level view (give input / test output (scan java class/javadoc/annotation)) RF-12262
Development turnaround
- incremental build RF-8287
Other Tracked Issues
Link to all unresolved CDK 4.x issues