WARNING this article is out of date - please refer to more recent documentation.
The matrix indicates for a given data source how a model can be created (Desginer Import Option) and how the data source is integrated (Translator) for data access.
NOTE: The DDL Import option is an available option to buid a source model for any data source. Its only indicated below when there's no specific importer
created for that specific data source type.
Data Source | Translator Type | Dynamic VDB Metadata Supported | Designer Import Option |
Apache Derby | JDBC - derby | Y | JDBC Importer |
Files | file | Y | File Importer |
General JDBC | JDBC - jdbc-simple | Y | JDBC Importer |
HDFS (Hadoop) | hive | Y | use DDL importer or perform modeling manually |
HSQL | JDBC - hsql | Y | JDBC Importer |
H2 | JDBC - h2 | Y | JDBC Importer |
Ingres | JDBC - ingres (Ingres 2006 or later) ingres93 (Ingres 9.3 or later) | Y | JDBC Importer |
IBM DB2 | JDBC - db2 | Y | JDBC Importer |
Informix | JDBC - informix | Y | JDBC Importer |
LDAP / ActiveDirectory | ldap |
| use DDL importer or perform modeling manually |
LoopBack | JDBC - loopback |
| use DDL importer or perform modeling manually |
MetaMatrix | JDBC - metamatrix | Y | JDBC Importer |
ModeShape/JCR | JDBC - modeshape | Y | JDBC Importer |
Mondrian | olap | Y | use DDL importer or perform modeling manually |
MS Access | JDBC – access | Y | JDBC Importer |
MS Excel | JDBC – excel-odbc | Y | JDBC Importer |
MS SQL Server | JDBC - sqlserver | Y | JDBC Importer |
MySQL | JDBC – mysql5 (mysql) | Y | JDBC Importer |
Netezza | JDBC – netezza | Y | JDBC Importer |
Oracle | JDBC - oracle | Y | JDBC Importer |
PostgreSQL | JDBC - postgresql | Y | JDBC Importer |
Salesforce.com | salesforce | Y | SalesForce Importer |
SAP Gateway | ws | Y | File Source (XML) Importer |
SAP R/3 | ws | Y |
SAP Services Registry | ws | Y | WSDL importer |
Sybase ASE | JDBC - sybase | Y | JDBC Importer |
Teradata | JDBC - teradata | Y | JDBC Importer |
Teiid | JDBC - teiid | Y | JDBC Importer |
Web Services (SOAP / WSDL) | ws | Y | WSDL or URL Importer |
Web Services (Rest / OData) | ws | ? | File Source (XML) Importer |