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Frequently Asked Questions: How Do I Build JBoss Tools 4.1?
How do I configure my settings.xml?
- Follow these instructions to add reference to JBoss Repositories into your settings.xml. You'll also probably need access to the SNAPSHOT repository. So here is what you should see in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
My build is failing due to OutOfMemory or PermGen issues! How do I give Maven more memory?
- To configure the amount of memory used by Maven, you can define MVN_OPTS as follows, either in the mvn / mvn.bat script you use to run Maven, or set as global environment variables. Here's how to do so for Fedora, Ubuntu, Windows, OSX.
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
How do I build via commandline?
- Fetch code from github
- Run maven
- Repeat for other projects
cd ~/jbosstools
git clone
cd ~/jbosstools/jbosstools-base
mvn verify
How do I build in Eclipse (with m2e)?
- With m2e installed, you can either do CTRL-SHIFT-X,M (Run Maven Build), or right-click the project and select Run As > Maven Build. See How To Build JBoss Tools 4 - Building Locally In Eclipse
How do I build a single project?
- Generally, you need only fetch the sources, and run `mvn verify`. See 'How do I build via commandline?' or 'How do I build in Eclipse (with m2e)?' above.
How do I build a series of projects (eg., Base, Server, Webservices) ?
- Assuming your goal is to change sources in multiple projects, then build them all to verify everything still compiles, you will need to fetch sources, then build the projects in dependency order.
- This workflow is useful when you're looking to change framework code in an upstream project like Base on which Webservices or Server depends, and verify that API changes don't break the downstream project's code.
- Rather than using `mvn verify`, you must use `mvn install` so that the downstream build will use YOUR locally-built content in your ~/.m2, rather than looking to the internet for the last published upstream dependencies.
cd ~/jbosstools
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ~/jbosstools/jbosstools-base; mvn install
cd ~/jbosstools/jbosstools-server; mvn install
cd ~/jbosstools/jbosstools-webservices; mvn verify
Which is better - `mvn clean install` or `mvn verify` ?
- Use `install` to create artifacts in your ~/.m2 folder which will be checked when building anything which depends on those artifacts (in addition to checking the internet). Also useful for doing subsequent offline builds with the `-o` or `--offline` flag.
- Use `verify` to build, but NOT install anything into your ~/.m2 folder.
How do I clean out artifacts I might have installed to my ~/.m2/repo ?
What if I've already built something locally, but I want to build against the server version instead of my local repo?
- There are two approaches that work here:
- override temporarily when building, using -Dtycho.localArtifacts=ignore, or
- delete ~/.m2/repository/.meta/
How do I build a target platform?
- Currently, you should not need to build a target platform locally if you're building w/ maven via commandline. But if you'd like to materialize a target platform for use in Eclipse, you can do so like this:
- Fetch target platforms project from github
- Switch to the correct branch
- Run maven
- Results will be in jbosstools/multiple/target/ or jbdevstudio/multiple/target/
cd ~/jbosstools
git clone
cd ~/jbosstools/jbosstools-target-platforms
git checkout 4.30.x
mvn install
cd ~/jbosstools/jbosstools-target-platforms/jbosstools/multiple/target/
How do I ignore MD5sum checks when resolving dependencies or building?
- If for some reason the site against which you're buidling has invalid metadata (perhaps because the site's IUs were pack200'd AFTER the artifacts.xml / content.xml metadata was created) you may get errors like "MD5 hash is not as expected". To ignore these errors, simply build like this:
mvn install -Declipse.p2.MD5ArtifactCheck=false -Declipse.p2.MD5Check=false
Why is there more than one target platform?
- Every time we make changes to the target platform, either to add/remove something, or to change the included version, we release a new version.
- In order to verify we can build against the oldest version of a target platform (eg., one based on Eclipse 4.2.0, or "minimum" target platform) but also run tests against the latest for that stream (eg., based on Eclipse 4.2.2, or "maximum" target platform), we need to maintain multiple versions.
- By default, your build will use the default "minimum" target platform specified in the JBoss Tools parent pom. To easily build against the default "maximum", use -Pmaximum. See also 'What profiles do I need to build? What Maven properties are useful when building?'
How do I specify which target platform to use when building?
- See 'What profiles do I need to build? What Maven properties are useful when building?'
How to I skip running tests? How do I make tests not fail? Or only fail after ALL tests run?
- To skip running tests, you can use these Maven flags:
- -Dmaven.test.skip=true
- -DskipTests
- If your reason for skipping tests is to see if everything can run without being stuck on the first test failure, you might also like these flags:
- -fae, --fail-at-end : Fail at end of build only
- -fn, --fail-never : Never fail the build regardless of result
- You can also cause test failures to result in JUnit output without failing the build using these flags:
- -Dmaven.test.error.ignore=true
- -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
How can I debug tests in Eclipse when run from Tycho (with Surefire)?
How do I build docs?
What profiles do I need to build? What Maven properties are useful when building?
- Most of the time, you don't need any profiles or -D properties. Here are some profiles and properties you might want to use in special cases.
- -Pmaximum : selects the default maximum target platform version instead of the default minimum one. Useful when running tests to verify that your code works against a newer target platform (eg., Eclipse 4.2.2 instead of 4.2.0)
- -DTARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION : allows you to pick a specific target platform version from those available in Nexus.
- See also 'How to I skip running tests? How do I make tests not fail? Or only fail after ALL tests run?' above for test-related properties.
How do I see what's happening on a remote slave running Xvfb?
- Look in the build log for 2 lines like these - you need to determine the slave name, screen number (probably 0), and framebuffer directory (a path ending in xvfb):
- Building remotely on ${SLAVE_NAME} in workspace /mnt/hudson/workspace/${JOB_NAME}
- Xvfb starting$ Xvfb :1 -screen ${SCREEN_NUM} 1024x768x24 -fbdir ${FBDIR}
- Get the Xvfb_screen0 file from the remote server. If necessary, you might have to use the server's FQDN instead of the slave name that appears in the log:
- rsync -Pzrlt --rsh=ssh --protocol=28 ${USER}@${SLAVE_NAME}:${FBDIR}/Xvfb_screen${SCREEN_NUM} /tmp/
- View the screen w/ xwud:
- xwud /tmp/Xvfb_screen${SCREEN_NUM}
Anything else?
- See also this FAQ: