Progress Summary for Komodo Development
UI Prototyping
- TEIIDDES-1535 : Initial thoughts on different UI Eclipse workspace/perspective layouts
DDL Modeling
- TEIIDDES-1575 : Created the initial framework required for Designer to deploy a temporary dynamic VDB so the DDL can be constructed by Teiid Runtime and retrieved by Designer. This is a fundamental piece of what Komodo was targeted to include.
- See 8.1 What's New for details on new importer that uses this framework
- MODE-1812 : Created a Modeshape DDL sequencer that can handle Teiid's specific DDL dialect. This was also a fundamental piece that was required to utilize a local/runtime Modeshape Repository underneath Designer.
Object Editors Framework
- Komodo editing framework will require a non-EMF business object as well as a relational-model-specific object editor framework. The work in 8.1 laid the groundwork for a set of object editor panels that can be utilized in a broader Komodo relational model (DDL) editor. This initial work shows up as New Child/New Sibling relational object wizards.
See 8.1 What's New for details on these new wizards