• Issues with Arquillian for Kubernetes container

    Hi,   I was using fabric8-arquilIian initially where I was getting exception mentioned below.   org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.impl.client.deployment.ValidationException: DeploymentScenario contains a ...
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    last modified by pankaj-gem
  • Re: UI Scoped Class can't be tested

    Hi Julius,   please share also the whole stacktrace. I think that the main problem is with the class "com.vaadin.cdi.UIScoped" that it is not available inside of your container. If so, then you need to add also...
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    last modified by mjobanek
  • UI Scoped Class can't be tested

    Hello, I'm new here, I'm in the first semester of my study and have a problem with a project... and yes, my english is also a little problem   I tried to test some code of a Maven Project that uses Java and C...
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    last modified by julius278
  • Cannot get Arquillian to work with remote Wildfly

    Hello There,   I am following the instructions at the Arquillian page to set up a very simple test that will run in a remote (running locally) Wildfly instance. So far, I have the following:   My project s...
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    last modified by savvas.andreas
  • Running Tests with different SystemProperties

    I've a bunch of TestCases were I would have to start my deployment with different System properties.   Im using as container a managed wildfly. I know I can somehow manage the system properties when I define th...
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    last modified by paul.finnedison
  • Tomcat 8 Managed with Maven

    Hi all,   I am able to get Arquillian to run the Junit test.   But, when I do an Maven: clean install, the changes that I set in Tomcat-user.xml and server.xml are wiped. Then I would have to go back and c...
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    last modified by tnguyen90
  • Jacoco not caturing Arquillian test coverage.

    Hi I am using Arquillian for integration testing with TomEE container and using Jacoco  for code coverage . But the code coverage shows zero coverage even though tests are successful. My project is a multi modu...
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    last modified by renjith-raj-36174323
  • Graphene test fails with IllegalStateException when executed against Chrome

    Hi,   I am new to testing with Graphene / Drone and we are starting a UI development project using javascript for the client side. I would like to use Graphene to perform the integration tests and I have starte...
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    last modified by eeiwdey
  • In container events for @RunAsClient tests

    I've created a small Arquillian extension to adjust the logging configuration of the container on a per test basis. It's a RemoteLoadableExtension with some @Observers of Before/After event - that adds/removes a new F...
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    last modified by jollytoad
  • Arquillian with managed glassfish works under windows crashes under linux

    Hi,   I have a working setup with:   Java EE7 Glassfish4 Arquillian - managed glassfish   in @deployment I do:   File[] files = Maven.resolver().loadPomFromFile("pom.xml")    ...
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    last modified by lime
  • How to get/configure phantomJS binrary using drone and arquillian-phantom-driver

    Hi there - attempting to use Arquillian with arquillian-drone, my issue is I cannot get phantomJS to start in my remote build. These are the scenarios:   Scenario 1 Allow arquillian-phantom-driver to resolve th...
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    last modified by ted-johnson
  • No Exception catched when use wildfly-arquillian-container-managed lib

    Hi,   i can every time reproduce an error with this configuration :   <dependency>   <groupId>org.wildfly.arquillian</groupId>   <artifactId>wildfly-arquillian-containe...
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    created by fdlprod
  • NoClassDefFoundError: Failed to link

    Hi All,   I'm new to Arquillian, I followed the "Getting Started" and it went very smoothly. But when I try to run a simple unit-test with arquillian on my current project, it is giving me an error that it canno...
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    last modified by tnguyen90
  • Swarm + Arquillian + a Datasource

    I'm <version>2017.2.0</version> of swarm. I've got it connected to a postgres datasource with hibernate and it works. I had Arquillian setup to work with it, but now Arquillian fails.   The cause app...
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    last modified by mbreed
  • ShrinkWrap Resolvers: Alternate way to determine current settings.xml

    Hello everybody!   Just a quick heads-up for those trying to load the settings.xml that has been defined by mvn -s ... in a maven surefire process (= a forked test).   You can just use ${session.request.us...
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    last modified by famod
  • Using Arquillian without mvn, forge, or ant+ivy

    I realize the following scenario is off the beaten path,  but I don't have any choice.  I would love some sort of suggestion on how to approach this problem.  Even if it is only a take a look at this we...
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    last modified by thomasmorrow
  • Arquillian Module for IBM WAS 9 / WLP 16

    Hi, is there planned an adapter for the newest version of the IBM Applicationservers: Websphere 9 and Liberty 16? Thanks.
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    last modified by andrei.floricel
  • Connexion refusée à la base de données

    Caused by: com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLException: Failed Logon:com.jnetdirect.jsql.J SQLException: TCP/IP connection failed to host:WIN-3PSMV06I1ME java.net.ConnectE xception: Connection refused: connect url:jdbc:JSQLCo...
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    last modified by ossama
  • Using "RandonBeans" in an Arquillian JPA Test - "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: I"

    I have some well running Arquillian JPA tests. But i want to get rid of an annoying part: manually creating instances (many are nested in each other). But i found GitHub - benas/random-beans: Because life is too short...
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    last modified by dermoritz
  • Arquillian and Cobertura: 0% percent coverage or ClassNotFoundException

    Hello everyone,   I have a working Arquillian based WildFly test within a Maven build. And now I want to add Cobertura coverage tests.   But it seems it isn't easy: If I just include the Cobertura Maven ...
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    last modified by g.hohl