• Arquillian Development and Contribution

    In this short article you will find guideline how to contribute and work with Arquillian code.   But before we start - huge thanks for willing to help us making Arquillian better!   Tooling prerequisites JD...
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    last modified by kpiwko
  • Which is the recommended alternative to Persistence Extension when running local acceptance tests against a prepackaged EAR?

    Hello everybody,   It seems that Arquillian Persistence Extension is only working for in-container tests. Which is the best alternative to persistence extension when using local tests (i.e. from outside of the c...
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    last modified by alfonso.mateos
  • What should be the next Droidium extension?

    Hi,   I would like to have some minipoll here regarding Droidium.I know it is pretty soon to develop something else except core bits when there is not even Final out but anyway ... Since these extensions are kin...
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    last modified by smikloso
  • How to set arquillian.xml with Persistence Extension when deploying an EAR artifact and testing with @RunAsClient

    Hello everybody, I want to run a functional test on my REST API, so I depoy the EAR that contains it this way:   @Deployment(testable = false)   public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {  ...
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    created by alfonso.mateos
  • Container adapter for a Java EE5 certified AS

    Hi all,   I'm trying to implement a container adapter for SAP NetWeaver. I have the following running end-to-end: create shrinkwrap archive auto deploy before test run test auto undeploy   The problem...
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    last modified by pnt
  • Graphene: proposal of API change of FindBy to achieve extensibility

    We currently use @FindBy annotation as a replacement for WebDriver's own @FindBy annotation.   Those annotation allows to specify what location strategy to use, supporting variety of strategies from element iden...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Multiple deployments for Droidium

    Hello,   We would like to be able to deploy more then one deployment into Android device. This is particulary useful when you have some application which depends on another one (or more then one) so in order to ...
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    last modified by smikloso
  • Proposal: Arquillian Persistence Extension and how to clean the schema

    Hi,   the Arquillian Persistence Extension does a great job preparing the database for a test, inserting data and checking the state of the database after the test. I really like it.   Everything works wit...
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    created by robert.panzer
  • Arquillian Drone 1.2.0 Event Model ready for review

    After a small addition to Arquillian Drone 1.2.0 series SPI in previous Alpha release (Enhancer for better integration with Graphene 2), I finally made a full SPI model for Arquillian Drone, to be reviewed here: http...
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    created by kpiwko
  • Google Guice Extension

    Some time ago I had this idea for creating a Google Guice extension as an alternative to CDI or Spring IOC. I didn't forgot about it but due to excess of activities it had to wait.   Recently I had made major up...
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    last modified by jmnarloch
  • AspectJ with Arquillian testing - ideas

    Hi all,   I would like to show you very interesting approach how to solve a whole range of problems when trying to do something low-level with Arquillian.   All started when I was thinking about some way h...
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    last modified by smikloso
  • arquillian configuration with domain mode test?

    Hi all,   I'm trying to write a cluster test case with domain mode in JBoss. According to https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/commit/47fa68f11029d35e827c65e4a09306664df56f1e and ManagedDomainTestCase and its ar...
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    created by soul2zimate
  • Selendroid driver for arquillian-extension-drone

    Hi   I am trying to bring fests to Android, we are quite far however there is always some "but" .   Project changed its name to Droidium (1) where droidium-native (2) is plugged into container dynamically ...
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    last modified by smikloso
  • Giving iOS extension a name that sticks

    Hi,   the current plan for arquillian-extension-ios is to undergo the same process as we did with arquillian-drodium, that is enable it as a container and more feature rich.   A a part of the plan, we shou...
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    last modified by kpiwko
  • Idea: Container Installer Extension

    Hey guys,   I have created a simple extension which allow to unpack a container distribution for managed container adapter.   It allows resolution of container distribution from:   Maven G:A:V (using...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • ARQUILLIAN CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long

    hello i began working with arquillian and jsfunit but i foud a lot of problem , plz if someone knows more about the subject .. eclipse shows me an error saying CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is t...
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    last modified by betty19
  • CTA: Hackathon @Pragmatists

    Guys from Pragmatists are organizing 1 day hackathon where they will code in pairs and reached me out for suggestions what can they improve in Arquillian. I think it's great opportunity to get new contributions! Let's...
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    last modified by bmajsak
  • Auxiliary Archives in EAR or testable war? (Warp related)

    Hi Arquillian Devs,   I am currently trying to get into Warp and stumbled upon the fact that EARs do not seem to be supported. If I am not totally wrong the reason is that the requests over the CommandBus are a...
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    last modified by robert.panzer
  • Giving the Android extension a name that sticks

    As I was watching the Arquillian talk from JavaZone, one thing I picked up is the stark contrast between the extensions with custom names and those that just put Arquillian in front of generic name. I noticed this esp...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Arquillian OpenShift refresh plan

    Hi,   currently our OpenShift container is pretty old stuff, created in time when there were actually Expess and Flex containers. This does not reflect current situation.   Apart from naming, the container...
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    last modified by kpiwko