in the bmjava.sh,there is the variable to be setted to allow for extra java opts. but in the comment, it is called BYTEMAN_JAVA_ARGS, and in the code it is BYTEMAN_JAVA_OPTS. Can anybody tell me which one is the ri...
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    last modified by cyron
  • VerifyError when binding thread.getId() and compileToBytecode

    HI All:   I noticed the byteman scripts on my server were not logging when using compileToBytecode in the benchmark environment and created a local test to troubleshoot. The local environment simply logs the thr...
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    last modified by willreichert
  • Rule does not fire (missing log entry) at high concurrency

    I created simple method entry exit rules to track method execution times (wall time) but some of the rules are not firing when I increase the concurrency for the benchmark.   Background I started by using the b...
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    last modified by willreichert
  • Question about 'object-tracking'...

    Hi,   Is there any way (built-in expressions or proven rules) to track application-events by matching a change of some objects variables/referenced objects (recursively!) ?   What I mean is for example, "l...
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    last modified by jwin68-ffm
  • Missing something basic?  Not seeing classes transformed after bmsubmit

    Based upon the method XAManagedConnection.isFailedXA,  I thought it would be good to create a Byteman rule [1] which would emulate some behavior I would like to verify.  I've tried several variations of th...
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    last modified by jolee
  • AFTER INVOKE bar() with bar() throwing an exception

    Hi there (Andrew),   (I searched the web but haven't found an answer to this problem)...   I have a rule that needs to do something after bar() has been invoked, *regardless* of whether bar() returns norma...
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    last modified by belaban
  • METHOD with interface as formal parameter doesn't work

    Hi,   I have a class Person implementing Human and a rule file (see below).   I want to intercept the copy constructor of Person, and added line METHOD <init>(bla$Human) to the rule file.   H...
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    last modified by belaban
  • Behavior when defining invalid expressions

    Hi (again) :-)   I frequently see byteman drop rules when there is an error in them. I'd prefer this to actually throw an exception, so that I know a given rule is not executed, rather than silently dropping the...
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    last modified by belaban
  • getting java.lang.VerifyError once I set a local variable in hibernate

    Hi, This is my first attempt at setting a local variable in hibernate/JBoss EAP 5.1.0 code and I'm struggling with trying to figure out why I'm getting a java.lang.VerifyError. The purpose of the rule is to override ...
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    last modified by msulliv1
  • Problems transforming an EJB

    Hi,   I've been testing Byteman (both version 2.1.0 and 2.1.2) lately in a JEE setup on Glassfish 3.1.2 together with Arquillian 1.0.3.Final and Shrinkwrap 1.1.1-alpha. Initially I created a simple test class (...
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    last modified by simonboggild
  • Discovered problem in Windows batch file.

    Hello   Discovered problem. line feed code of Windows batch file must be CRLF. but Byteman's batch file line feed code is LF only. there's a possibility of unexpected behavior. maybe line feed code is chang...
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    last modified by telecastravinsky
  • org.jboss.byteman.agent.submit.Submit a script from the classpath?

    Hello,   I'm using org.jboss.byteman.agent.submit.#addRulesFromFiles(files). Currently I have to specify a location on the file system for my Byteman script(s). I'd prefer to find these on the classpath. I under...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • METHOD and generics

    I need to intercept a generic method add():   public class BoundedList<T> {     public boolean add(T element) {...} }     The rule I use is: RULE dummy CLASS BoundedList METH...
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    last modified by belaban
  • using byteman in production with listener can it be done securely?

    Hi, I've been using byteman in development and it seems it would also be valuable in production on demand without restarting. Byteman's listener option is attractive. Is there a way to secure the port by a password ...
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    last modified by msulliv1
  • Arquillian Byteman extension - Rule ruleMapKey always empty -> no code injected

    Hi This question may not be related to Byteman but instead the Arquillian forum - if so I will move it.   I am working on a project where we use Arquillian together with GlassFish 3.   However, we have s...
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    last modified by henrik_sr
  • Byteman hanging during BMUnit.unloadScriptFile?

    Hi,   I am using Byteman 2.0.1 to test some crash recovery behaviour over at JBTM.   We are having a strange issue where one of our tests occasionally (1 out of 10 runs?) hangs. We have done a kill -3 and ...
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    last modified by tomjenkinson
  • problem using AFTER WRITE on local variable

    I'm having trouble using AFTER WRITE on a local variable.   Here's a snippet of my class (see attached).   public class Foo {    ...         public  voi...
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    last modified by msulliv1
  • Rule condition causes VerifyError

    Hi, I am having a problem defining a bm script that has the following condition   IF -1 != $e.getMessage().indexOf("timed")   This is the error message   $ bin/bmsubmit.sh ~/java/jboss/byteman/byte...
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    last modified by whitingjr
  • Unknown local variable WARNING.

    Hi, When using bmcheck on a Byteman script I am seeing two warnings. The script attempts to use a scoped reference to an exception in an expression. Looking at the documentation I don't see exceptions listed in th...
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    last modified by whitingjr
  • Unexpected exception transforming using bmcheck

    Hi, I am using Byteman to expose counters for particular events in the system my team is using.   I have found the execution of the JMXHelper to work successfully to expose the counter on transformed bytecode...
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    last modified by whitingjr