• Clarification needed about AT INVOKE Location and DO statement.

    For example, if I write this rule : RULE mock javax.mail.Transport.send         CLASS mypackage.MyClass         METHOD sendAMessage   &#...
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    last modified by pasturel
  • byteman - traceing internal value of thread class

    Hi, there? I am a newbie to the byteman.  I have a question. 1) Is it possible monitoring body of run() method, only using byteman, without System.out.println() statement?    In particular, conside...
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    last modified by amoebamach
  • [announce] BytemanPkg Version

      I delivered BytemanPkg on Github site : https://github.com/PASTJL/bytemanPkg Take a look at the readme file : https://github.com/PASTJL/bytemanPkg/blob/master/README.md I give some tips to use BytemanPkg ( ...
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    last modified by pasturel
  • how to use/install byteman with JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform(JBoss SOA-P)?

    I'm planning to use Byteman for the purpose of error logging with JBoss ESB ,I just wanted to know how to use byteman on server JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform.Please help @Andrew Dinn
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    created by sowkyareddy
  • CompileException invalid stack height 2 expecting 1

    Hi, I am getting this exception when a Byteman Rule is being initially loaded on my server.   19:58:18,028 INFO  [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 60) Rule.ensureTypeCheckedCompiled : error compiling...
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    last modified by whitingjr
  • [annouce] BytemanPkg 1.2.1 available on GitHub site

    As announced few weeks ago, i began a project BytemanPkg A new version 1.2.1 of BytemanPkg is available. https://github.com/PASTJL/bytemanPkg/ This version correct bugs on Helpers ( MultiThreading) and brings imp...
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    created by pasturel
  • A small question from a starter

    Hi All,      I am confused how to get a local variable within the target method scope. for example: public class LocalVar {     public static void main(String[] args){   ...
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    last modified by flyaway_921
  • Maven + Surefire + Byteman + java.io.tmpdir = Tests failures

    Hi all,     We are using in our project Byteman with our Junit Tests Managed by Maven and its surefire plugin to add some additionnal controls (number of jdbc queries used for ex).   Cleaning up our b...
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    last modified by aheritier
  • Skipping code with Byteman?

    I want to post to the forum a conversation I had with Andrew, in the hope it might be useful to someone.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    last modified by ron_sigal
  • [announce] a byteman rule packager

    Hello, i have just finished a byteman rules packager. A library of about fifteen template rules and helpers. You can download it at GitHub repo => https://github.com/PASTJL/bytemanPkg here is the readme for more ...
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    last modified by pasturel
  • java.lang.VerifyError when using byteman in JBOSS AS7

    Hi folks,   i am trying to use byteman in JBOSS AS7, but i always get the "java.lang.VerifyError" when i using "bmsubmit.sh" to submit a script. Below is the full error message: bmsubmit.sh -l aaa.btm inst...
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    last modified by aceyin
  • Injecting fault in java.net.Socket

    Hello,   I'm trying to use byteman as part of an integration test [1], to make sure a client configured to use an HTTP proxy for a REST API is indeed going through the HTTP proxy instead of making straight netwo...
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    last modified by gberche
  • Apply rule to specific J2EE application

    Hi,   I'm using Byteman for fault injection. My tests run on application server with Byteman installed. The test loads rules, make some calls, checks results and uploads rules. Application server has several cop...
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    created by dmiandre
  • Rule injected into sun.reflect.MethodAccessorGenerator.generateMethod fires recursively with setTriggering(false);

    When a rule is injected into sun.reflect.MethodAccessorGenerator.generateMethod() it is fired recursively, even when setTriggering(false) is called in the rule.   e.g. RULE recursive rule CLASS sun.reflect.Me...
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    created by johara
  • Custom Helper Methods - VarArgs Not Supported ?

    Based on some testing with 2.1.3, it seems that VarArg methods in the declared helper cannot be matched and are not supported.     I tried working around this with some vaguely "array" looking syntax in my ...
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    last modified by nwhitehead
  • How to use Byteman with Glassfish v2 in production environment?

    Hi,   I'd like to use Byteman in a Glassfish v2 application server, in production environment. Are there any guides/tutorials about it?   Thank you.
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    last modified by crom
  • Byteman Exception while running Hibernate-ORM Tests

    While running the hibernate-orm test cases for 4.2.2.Final, the following exception occured:   java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect   at java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.connect0(Native Me...
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    last modified by crancran
  • Running Eclipse with byteman javaagent needs immense amount of memory

    Hi!   I wanted to analyse an eclipse plugins behavior with byteman. but when i open an editor i see lots of   Svens-MacBook-Pro:Applications lange$ java -jar eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1....
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    last modified by svenlange
  • Support for multiple class loaders

    Hi,   I'm using Byteman on an application built with multiple class loaders: everything works fine, except custom helpers: this is because they are loaded using the target class loader, a custom one in my case, ...
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    last modified by sergiob
  • Unknown helper class executing rule in EAP

    I am trying to instrument a class in a postgres jdbc driver deployed into EAP as a module, using a custom Helper class. Whenever the rule is executed, org.jboss.byteman.rule.Rule.typeCheck can not resolve the custom H...
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    last modified by johara