• Rule with Private method not getting invoked

    Hi,   I am using JDK 8 and 3.0.6 bytemap.jar. I was able to run dsl which prints system.outs at start and end of the method. Not I want to put rule inside some statement of a private static method. How can I d...
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    last modified by gaurav6281
  • Bytemap keeps on giving error invalid local variable binding

    My Java method is :-   private static Object workingProducer() throws InterruptedException {   String producerThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();   System.out.println("Producer Thread..."...
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    last modified by gaurav6281
  • Using Byteman from API

    Hello,   I would like to use Byteman within my own application to connect the agent to the same JVM running. So far I am copying the behaviour of loadAgent() in https://github.com/bytemanproject/byteman/blob/mas...
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    last modified by mvecera
  • CFG necessary?

    Hi,   Now I'm browsing through byteman source code, thinking about how to implement my goals (which is a bit vague).   I'm particularly interested in how byteman implemented $^ as well as $!, and what I s...
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    last modified by bluegol
  • Instrumentation based on Annotation?

    Hi,   (This is bad...) Is there a way for a rule to be triggered based on injection? (I'm expecting "No)   The problem: I'm trying to instrument EJB calls. It appears (I'm a java newbie) that EJB classes ...
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    last modified by bluegol
  • Accessing objects of private class

    Hi all,   I am trying to trace how servlet handles requests. My rule is:   RULE servlet start in FilterChain INTERFACE javax.servlet.FilterChain METHOD void doFilter(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.s...
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    last modified by bluegol
  • Fault Injection Testing With Byteman

    You should already be familiar with Byteman and BMUnit . . .  This is the Part Three of the Byteman tutorial series, explaining how you can use Byteman to improve the simplicity, quality and coverage of your uni...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Unable to deploy multiple application in jboss EAP 6.4

    Hi All,   Currently i am facing an ugly error in JBoss EAP 6.4 that when i deploy multiple application in Jboss EAP 6.4 am getting some stupid error which i could not identify why such error is occuring.   ...
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    last modified by nicekumar
  • Strange StackOverFlowError for Proxy class

    Hi Andrew,   (It's me again.) Not really a narrowed-down report, but I'd like to share in case anyone has any idea.   Background: I'm trying to trace all jdbc prepared statements (among other things.) The...
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    last modified by bluegol
  • Is it possible to set local variable AT ENTRY and to use it later AT EXIT?

    Hi,   I'm trying to use byteman to instrument certain calls. Say,   HELPER test.RuleHelper   RULE test at entry CLASS test.Main METHOD void test() AT ENTRY BIND   ti:test.TraceItem = start(...
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    last modified by bluegol
  • Is it possible to use Byteman on Java 1.6.0_45-b06?

    I'm trying to run Byteman on an old project that has to use Java 6. I was under the impression that this would work, but it looks like there's a bug with how java agents work that actually prevents byteman from runnin...
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    last modified by taylor.marks
  • Using Byteman to debug Connection refused.

    Hi, I am using Byteman to debug the cause of "Connection refused" errors. Byteman is the tool to unobtrusively help diagnose such problems.   I wrote a script to dump some useful information. Like the URL tha...
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    last modified by whitingjr
  • Way to define common IMPORT for JBoss modules byteman plugin

    Hi,   I search for way how to set a jboss module to be imported by default when using jboss modules plugin. I mean is there some way, e.g. by some system property, how to define a jboss module to be imported wi...
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    last modified by ochaloup
  • when the class's access modifier is not public, byteman will failed

    here is the class      class testApp {           public void method1() {              ...
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    last modified by swimablefish
  • Errors in simple fault injection with TestNG and maven

    Hi All :   I am trying to modify the TestNG test case in the tutorial "BMUnit : Using Byteman with JUnit or TestNG from maven and ant".   But there some errors I cannot figure it out.   The modified ...
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    last modified by andou528
  • Invalid constructor for target class error message.

    Hi, I am getting this error   org.jboss.byteman.rule.exception.TypeException: NewExpression.typeCheck : invalid constructor for target class java.io.PrintWriter file /home/whiti ngjr/agamemnon/work/redhat/jav...
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    last modified by whitingjr
  • Proper usage example for $@?

    Here's some Byteman rules that work fine:     RULE trace SLServer initCoreServices at getInstance CLASS ^com.empolis.ecls.server.system.server.Server METHOD initCoreServices AT INVOKE getInstance ALL IF true...
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    last modified by taylor.marks
  • Byteman preventing Wildfly 8.1.0 from starting?

    When my wildfly 8.1.0 server starts up, it should create an instance of a class.   I'm not sure whether that's happening or not, and I'm unable to change the source code, so I figured I would use Byteman to acco...
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    last modified by taylor.marks
  • Broken download links for earlier versions of Byteman

    Hello,   I'm in the unfortunate situation of having to debug an issue with an OAS application server running on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_22-b03, mixed mode). I was planning on using Byteman...
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    last modified by jricart
  • Accessing counter from BMUnit

    I would like to assert in my JUnit test how many times a certain method has executed. For this I create a rule that creates a counter by calling "createCounter()". How can I access the value of this counter from my JU...
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    last modified by ibrencic