• can't remove items from the selectMenu

    I am using selectMenu as: <a4j:region selfRendered="true" id="text"> <h:selectOneListbox id="symbol" value="#{user.name}"> <f:selectItems value="#{user.temp_list}" /> </h:selectOneListbox>...
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    created by waq
  • AJAX4JSF causes null pointer exception , why

    I receive the attached null pointer exception when the session is expired , while it should direct to the log in page , when i removed the <display-name>Ajax4jsf Filter</display-name> <filter-name&...
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    last modified by ransome86
  • Using Ajax Push Not render component

    Hi- Im using ajax push with a4j tags and have a pageBean to put the listener and this class implements Runnable, th value change but the element not sincronize using that to deliver a data to user listener.onEvent(new...
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    last modified by wakabashi
  • a4j:actionparam and reRender

    I have a situation where I need to use a tooltip nested inside a datatable. I am using an actionparam to retrieve the infomation from the current moused over row via ajax. Here is the problem: after the actionListener...
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    last modified by kevcpu411
  • a4j:mediaoutput  pdf not rendered

    i want to display a pdf inside of my jsf page. i use a4j:mediaoutput for rendering. i tested my code with a jpg an everything was ok. but if i use pdf i only got an image like a broken link,although the pdf is writte...
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    last modified by ajanz
  • DataTable example does not clean form with validation error

    Since I don't know if it is a bug on RF or on live demo, I'm posting on forum first. Steps to reproduce the error: 1. Go to DataTable demo "Edit Table with ModalPanel" (great demo - I love it) 2. Click on any "edit" ...
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    created by m4c0
  • How to use a:include with ui:param

    Hi everyone in one of my xhtml file i used ui:include and ui:param to open a popup. <ui:include src="/layout/errorMessagePopup.xhtml"> <ui:param name="parentHome" value="#{musMusMusteriGuncellemeHome}"> ...
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    created by onoank
  • Multiple a4j supports giving unreachable select items for dr

    I have two dropdowns. two dropdowns have a4j support wtih event onchange. When i select one value in first dropdown, then change value for second dropdown, it is throughing exception - Unreachable selectitems
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    last modified by ramesh_duggi
  • Dymanic actions with HtmlMenuItem`

    I have the following menu builder method, suppose it navigate to the to binding Expression but i did nothing, and there is no exception public void setMenu(HtmlDropDownMenu menu) { this.menu = menu; this.menu.getChil...
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    last modified by h.elmougy
  • a4j commandlink onclick event

    Hi, I'm using <a4j:commandLink reRender="ipTable, ip_panel" action="#{inventoryHome.addAnotherIP}" value="#{messages.action_add}" onclick="return isValidIPAddress('ipFirstOctet', 'ipSecondOctet', 'ipThirdOctet', '...
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    last modified by cchidamb
  • problem with a4j:support and javascript event

    merry christmas everyone! i got a problem where i didn´t find a solution or a hint in the manual or the forum, but it seems like quite a common issue to me when i use a4j:support in an item that uses an ...
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    last modified by herbertdow
  • a4j components reload any dataTable list binding when its no

    It seems to me like a bug... When i have rich:dataTable in my page, ANY a4j request reload the list that related to the dataTable component even when the a4j request related to another bean!!! for example: i have 2 ...
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    last modified by sulamix2
  • a4j:repeat value is null when try to access row

    hi, I am trying to migrate from JBoss 4.0.5 with Tomcat 5.5 to JBoss 4.2.3 with Tomcat 6.0. This also includes myfaces included in the pack etc. Not so easy for me, but most of the components works fine. Except a4j:...
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    created by mglowacki
  • Displaying HTML code inside area that was reRendered

    Hi, I'm using the a4j:commandLink tag for reRender one div like that: <t:div id="div_user"> <f:verbatim> <table id="user_edit_select_pwd"> <tr> <td align="center"> hello| </td&...
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    created by ahmelo
  • Kaazing Founder Jonas Jacobi to speak on HTML 5, Comet, WebS

    Kaazing Founder Jonas Jacobi to speak on HTML 5, Comet, WebSockets, Future of the Web Bangalore, December 10, 2008: Web applications have traditionally been seen as second tier citizens in our network infrastructure,...
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    created by shaguf
  • Kaazing Founder Jonas Jacobi to speak on HTML 5, Comet, WebS

    Kaazing Founder Jonas Jacobi to speak on HTML 5, Comet, WebSockets, Future of the Web Bangalore, December 10, 2008: Web applications have traditionally been seen as second tier citizens in our network infrastructure,...
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    created by shaguf
  • Ajax4JSF and Liferay

    Hi, Does anyone run successfully any ajax4jsf portlet in Liferay?
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    last modified by forlog
  • Ajax request never returns

    Hi there We have the problem if we start a jsf action eg using a a4j actionListener call to the backend and a reRender of some component that last more than 40 seconds that (a 'Please Wait' Layer will be displayed un...
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    created by tomzi
  • a4j:support actionListener

    Hello I have very strange behavior in my HtmlAjaxSupport component. I have been added selectBooleanCheckbox component on my page and inside it i added HtmlAjaxSupport. I expected that when i clicked my booleanCheckb...
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    last modified by kokkonen
  • Popup window blocked in onComplete of a4j:commandbutton

    Hi, I'm trying to open a window with javascript (window.open) using onComplete of a a4j:commandButton. In Firefox it works great, but in IE 7 an Information Bar appears that says that the pop up is blocked. When test...
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    created by rmartony