• Setting the focus of an input box after a reRender

    Hi, We have an input box inside a modal window, on keyup we are calling a spring webflow action which re-renders the page with new values. What we also need to-do is set the focus to that of the input box, at the mo...
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    created by bigevilfish
  • a4j:push problem with firefox 3

    I know that this problem has been reported before with v 3.1 and ff2 now I'm using richfaces v 3.2.1 with firefox 3 the same problem happend again when I checked the firebug I only receive headers with empty response....
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    created by khalod85
  • a4j:support problem while uodating bean value...

    Hi I am using tag to rerender the HtmlPanelGrid.....The Value in the textfiled it is not updating with DataBase Values.. <a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="ReturnToWorkPanelGrid"></a4j:support> <...
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    created by bill78b
  • Change interval of a4j:poll?

    I need to be able to poll every 60 seconds. However, when I specify the interval at 60 seconds and render the page, the first polling occurs only after 60 seconds. I need it to happen right after the page is loaded an...
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    last modified by pinaev
  • a4j:support not working with the selectManyPicklist control

    Hi, I'm using the selectManyPicklist and want to invoke a backer method when either the "available item list changes"(left list) or the "selected item list changes" (right list). I added an a4j:support tag (event=onch...
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    last modified by jsage
  • Problem with navigation.

    I use richfaces 3.2.0 and jsf-ri 1.2. I have two pages: first.jsp and second jsp and when i make action and go from first.jsp to second.jsp then second.jsp is displayed below first.jsp. This situation takes place in ...
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    created by lukep1984
  • <a4j:poll or <a4j:push SEND PARAMETER

    User opens jsf page. <a4j:poll or <a4j:push ask bean : Do you have new data ? It is ok and very easy. But I want to sent parameter #{player.id} that found on jsp How can I send parameter use <a4j:poll or <...
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    last modified by iv_va
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException

    Hello All, I am implementing RichFaces in Portlets. I am getting this exception trace in the log file. javax.faces.FacesException: java.lang.IllegalStateException at com.sun.faces.portlet.LifecycleImpl$UpdateModel...
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    created by kash_meu
  • a4j:poll with ignoreDupResponses and lmitToList

    Hello Forum, I am using: Jboss 4.2.2.GA Seam 2.0.1.GA Richfaces 3.1.6.GA In an a4j:poll, I am using limitToList="true" to keep the updates to the components on my renderList. My renderList is produced by the backing...
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    created by pdpantages
  • A4J Portlet

    Hello All, I am using a4j in my project. When I use a4j with jsf, it works smoothly. But when I add Portlet capabilities to this project, and perform an a4j support action, this page refreshes. Please help me. Regar...
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    last modified by kash_meu
  • bypassUpdates false vs. true

    Hi all, I have following problem: in my form (I use Seam + richfaces + a4j) there are several selectOneMenus and input fields. These depend on each other; i.e. these selectOneMenus and the inputs have the same bean p...
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    last modified by dbountsman
  • ANNOUNCE: first snapshot with Portal environment support

    We are ready to announce the initial version of Ajax4jsf with portal support. The Ajax4jsf snapshots built after 6:00PM, Apr 25, 2007 will contain it. Additionally, the simple example of portlet application - portal-e...
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    last modified by sergeysmirnov
  • Portlet Problem

    My portlet is refreshing, when I perform an <a4j:support> action. Please help me.
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    created by kash_meu
  • Why doesn't ReRendering work on componentBindings?

    Hi! I tried to post this question on the RichFaces user list, but didn't get any replies there so I try here instead. I have a question when it comes to reRendering. If I have a h:outputText with a valuebinding poi...
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    last modified by eivind1
  • Where do I download ajax4jsf from?

    The downloads list is empty... Thanks
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    last modified by costab
  • jsFunction not defined

    hey, I'm trying to use jsFunction tag, but the intended javascript function is not generated(browser says that:'updateFilename is not defined'). I have a page like this: .. taglib definitions ... <f:loadBundle b...
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    created by vttanhua
  • The Killer  IE7 Update KB950759

    All, I have just update my IE7 Brower ithe the KB950759 cumulative security update and a couple components of my richfaces Command links have stopped working. JSF 1.1 Rich Faces 3.1.5 Jobss 4.0.5GA Can anyone tell ...
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    created by wbrant1968
  • Filter mapping errors

    When I am trying to use ajax4jsf, I am getting the following error: IllegalStateException: Filter mapping for chameleon filter ajax4jsf do not contain wildcard prefix or suffix. Any ideas? Here is my web.xml: <...
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    last modified by jpantona
  • Session Timeout redirect during an a4j request does't work i

    Hi all, I'm having a problem in IE with a4j. I'm using an a4j commandlink <a4j:commandLink immediate="true"... > , now when the user sends the req if the session is expired the user needs to be redirected to the...
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    last modified by 6sic6
  • Can´t use a4j:support when my Form is prependId="false"

    Hello People! My name is Gabriel, I am from Brazil and I have a problem with A4J. When I set my form prependId="false", a4j:suppot don´t refresh. But, if form prependId="true" a4j:support refresh. Look ...
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    created by gbzao!