• Why do I get "FileNotFoundException" with passivated Statefu

    Alan from London asks:" When I use my Stateful session beans I sometime get "FileNotFoundException" from the Persistence Manager, why?"
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    last modified by marc.fleury
  • Where can I find src for jboss-management.jar

    Where can I find the source code for jboss-management.jar. I've looked in JBoss-2.4.4/jboss/src/main/org/jboss/management but I can't find org.jboss.management.JBossEjbModule, org.jboss.management.JBossEntitiyBean, pl...
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    last modified by rchidest
  • What does "JAWS" stand for?

    What does "JAWS" stand for? Roy
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    last modified by roysun
  • What J2EE specification does JBoss 2.4.4 support?

    Is it J2EE 1.3? Does JBoss 2.4.4 support message driven beans? Thanks.
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    last modified by liweich
  • Why are there 2 folders of config files

    Why are there two folders (default and a catalina folder) containing all the config files with JBoss2.4.4 and Tomcat 4.0.1. How do you know which ones to update? -- Thanks, Mike
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    last modified by matn1
  • Can I use j2eesdk from SUN?

    As a newbie, I want to know why no one select SUN's j2sdkee as a j2ee application server? Thanks!
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    last modified by fishx
  • Where can i find the source code of MBeansServer?

    any help will be apreciated:) i only found the help doc of javax.management,but i need the source code of it. where can i find it? many thanks
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    last modified by dongweichuan
  • I want  an example, where can I get one?

    Q: I want to do <your question/> where can I find an example?
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Pet store installation

    Hello people, I have installed JBoss succesfully today, after reading the documentation I bougth from flashline. Now I want to try the pet store application from sun, I applied the patch (and followed the instruction...
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    last modified by dencel
  • Log4j custom Category in jboss-3.0.0alpha

    I have my own log4j Category which I am trying to use in jboss-3.0.0alpha. My Category extendy the log4j Category and I have a CategoryFactory which accesses my custom category. I am using the standard jboss log4j.pro...
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    last modified by forourke
  • How does the JBoss Admin/Monitor work?

      "jardia" wrote: Q: How does the JBoss Admin/Monitor work? -This question has been asked so many times and there just does not seem to be a definitive answer anywhere. -Does it actually work? Seems like it w...
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  • How large is the user base of JBoss ?

    Q: Can you give a rough guess about how many people are using JBoss ? For development ? For deployment ?
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    last modified by tobias
  • I get "NoClassDefFoundError" when trying to deploy?

    Q: I get the following error when trying to deploy my application. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ejb/SessionBean or java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ejb/EJBHome what is wrong?
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Where can I find documentation for JBoss

    tomho75 asks: "Where can I find documentation for JBoss"
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    last modified by marc.fleury
  • How can I do the emoticons in the forums?

    marcf asks: "Dude how can I get the emoticon stuff you are using? when I do :0 it doesn't work"
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    last modified by marc.fleury
  • Why does Tomcat crash on startup on Linux?

    Q: "Why does my JBoss-Embedded Tomcat crash on startup, on my Linux system"
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    last modified by marc.fleury
  • What happened to NNTP support?

    Q: Does jive support NNTP browsing? I prefer to read the stuff in news format. You were talking about offering NNTP.
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    last modified by marc.fleury