• Is JBoss completely free for development and commercial use?

    Hi, Wouldn't have asked but one respectable person claims Jboss is not free for commercial use... To put it simply: do developing company and company which uses developed software and JBoss Application Server must pa...
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    last modified by vladis
  • http://www.jboss.org/community/index

    On the page http://www.jboss.org/community/index there is a section on submitting bug reports, the JBoss version has been missed off the list of required information.
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    last modified by darranl
  • Market for Open Source J2EE?

    Hey all Does anyone actually know how large the market for Open Source J2EE really is? How many companies utilize it etc? I'm after this info for a paer im writing. Thanks in advance all.
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    last modified by doombreed
  • Like to play chess?  Never have time?

    Then sign up for e-mail chess! This is an application built on JBoss/Tomcat technology that lets you play chess when you want to. Check out http://www.paulrowe.com/game.cgi Sincerely, paulrowe.com
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    created by boxhead
  • How to include single jsp files

    Hi, I´m trying to include a single jsp-File into JBoss, but it doesn´t work. Only complete ear-files work correct. The "jboss-service.xml": <attribute name="URLs"> deploy/, deploy/test1.ear, deplo...
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    created by pasche
  • Help needed on project

    Hi all Has anyone written a j2me app that sends data to a j2ee system - I wonder could jms messages be picked up via this route ? Also anyone know much about getting jfreereport working under jboss. The documentatio...
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    created by neptune5
  • Why 3.2.3? Differences between 2.4.9 and 3.2.3.

    Hi to all, I am a newbie to the jboss application servers and i have installed jboss 2.4.9. I am thinking in upgrading to 3.2.3 but why should I ? What are the main factors that i should know in order to make my de...
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    last modified by k2c
  • Heavy traffic on JBoss-user

    Hello all, Lately, it became hard to follow JBoss-user list because the message volume is too large. I know there are many problems that can appear if the list is split in 4 or 5 more specific ones (like one for secu...
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    last modified by dediana
  • How to prevent my email address from showing up in the Autho

    Please help!
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    last modified by pearl81
  • Test - please ignore

    testing to see if my email address does NOT show up!
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    created by pearl81
  • Running a a stanalone application

    hi , I am new to Jboss. I have web application running on Jboss. Now I have a to call main method of a class that it is inside the jar file used for web application. I have to call this main method from outside web ap...
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    created by ankurg
  • Tool for view the used TCP/IP ports

    Hi, http://www.foundstone.com/index.htm?subnav=resources/navigation.htm&subcontent=/resources/proddesc/fport.htm Ciao
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    created by fbiaggi
  • Kilo Lines of Code

    Hello people, I was just wondering about the number of Lines of Jboss, and maybe even better how many Man-Months work is the Jboss 3.0 version worth. (I wanna start a new project from scratch and compete with JBoss :)...
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    last modified by tsagovic
  • java.sun.com website down??

    Sorry for the seemingly dumb question but... I haven't been able to get it for the last 24 hours. Other sites (including JBoss ;-) and www.sun.com are fine. Can ping java.sun.com ( restarted my DNS serve...
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    last modified by martin0
  • Testing my signature

    Hi Lizzard (aka Juha) ;-) I wanted to test my sig. So I thought I'd say Hi. Good work on the wiki docs! -Andy
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    last modified by acoliver
  • let's extend the jdj poll again

      "ggreaves" wrote: "ggreaves" wrote: Back on August 31st, the end of voting for the JDJ poll, JBoss was ahead of BEA in the Best Java Application Server category. No problem, they just extended the voting out un...
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    last modified by ggreaves
  • Appfuse (Hibernate backend) on tomcat, then move to JBoss?

      "toastchee" wrote: I am getting ready to write a new app and I am really enamored with the AppFuse project. I understand that it would be sufficent to run it on Tomcat with Hibernate hitting Oracle. Clustering ...
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    last modified by toastchee
  • Looking for case studies

      "klm" wrote: "klm" wrote: "klm" wrote: One of my clients is the development manager of a large insurance company. He runs a predominantly Solaris/Websphere/Oracle application platform. As the size of his databa...
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    last modified by klm
  • KRules rules engine with JBoss

      "krr" wrote: Has anybody tried out drools an open source rules engine with JBoss, at the drools site they are talking about a GUI based engine called KRules, details at www.kalstride.com. This could be a good ...
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    created by krr
  • Announce : WebShop

      "andyjeff" wrote: "andyjeff" wrote: "andyjeff" wrote: Hi, just to let all know that I have released a J2EE 2.0 app and beans, WebShop, under the GPL. It provides beans and a sample servlet implementation of an...
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    last modified by andyjeff