• broadcast messages to end users

    Hi, everyone I am working on an administrative tool. I need to broadcast messages to front end users when I shut down jboss. Anyone knows if it's possible. Thanks in advance. DF
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  • Running JBoss in .NET runtime with IKVM

    Turns out it's very easy to run JBoss within .NET runtime. 1) Download ikvm 2) In JBoss' run.bat replace java.exe with ikvm.exe The JBoss microkernel starts without any errors. The default JBoss configuration prints ...
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    last modified by ivelin.ivanov
  • Accessing shared objects through a web application.

    We have a need to access c code in a shared object (some_file.so which is found in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH). I have a java class that is accessing via jni so I have two native function calls in the class. I wrote a stand...
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    created by bbalmer
  • JBoss support for IPv6

    I'm not sure if the verifier is working all that well. I'm getting: Bean : Clickstream Method : public abstract ClickstreamRemote create(BigDecimal, Date, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigD ecimal) t...
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    created by horse
  • JBoss and JNI

    Anybody done something like this ? I am using InfoZoom dcom-bridge, and logs on to a DCOM-serverAPP inside a servlet in JBoss. This works fine for the first startup of the webapp, but if I redeploy the webApp, I get...
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    last modified by frodeh
  • BMP

    i am newbie to ejb and simply coding a entity bean in order to connect to database. now i am able to connect to database(MySQL) and deployed without error message, but i do not know why, when executing client code, it...
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    last modified by mayorfatal
  • XML parser in j2sdk has default serializer.

    XML parser in j2sdk has default serializer. According to documentation in Apache XML project XMLSerializer will be obsoleted. I get the following error when I use XML parser that comes with j2sdk. Is there a better ...
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    created by dipankardas
  • how to make log.trace() work inside MBeans

    I'm using JBoss 3.2.3 and JDK 1.4. For logging, I'm using org.apache.commons.logging.Log (in everything except MBeans) and org.jboss.logging.Logger (only in my MBeans--they use the inherited log field). It seems as ...
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    last modified by davekohr
  • Browsing jboss-head in CVS

    This link doesnt produce anyThe link below doesnt give any listing,please let me know how to browse jboss-head in cvs? http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/jboss/jboss-head
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    created by rajdeep_dua
  • URLDirectoryScanner: addScanDir

    Hi, I just digged a little bit into the sources of package org.jboss.deployment.scanner and stumbled across the following lines of code in class URLDirectoryScanner which I don't understand: Line 94-111: /** * @jm...
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    created by marco
  • New Ant Task

    I have tried a few things but I can't seem to figure out if this is possible with ANT, (at least with a single task like "source-to-toplevel"). I would like to be able to debug the JBOSS server from Netbeans and to d...
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    created by mkarrys
  • Hardware for development and testing

    I'm going to get a new machine to do general development and testing, and in particular JBOSS development and testing. I'll be using Eclipse as my IDE. My development environment will be Windows XP, vmware and some fl...
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    created by brucebgordon
  • CVS lock

      cvs checkout: [06:56:21] waiting for ssilvert's lock in /cvsroot/jboss/jmx/src/main/test/performance/dynamic/support cvs checkout: [06:56:51] waiting for ssilvert's lock in /cvsroot/jboss/jmx/src/main/test/per...
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    created by lepe
  • 3.2.4 Release

    I know that questions like "When will JBoss version xy be released ?" are hated an most often lead to answers like "Will be released when ready..." But anyway, as we have to make a decision for our first JBoss produc...
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    created by schrouf
  • Net Boot

    Is netboot still a supported project? I was looking for some demos, and stumbled across something that would be a great help in deploying my JBoss based application on several remote servers. http://jboss.org/develop...
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    last modified by cptnkirk
  • Bug in Sun's j2sdk1.4.2_03 proxy generation?

    Running SPECjAppServer on Sun's j2sdk1.4.2_03 I often get an UndeclaredThrowableException caused by NullPointerException thorwn from a proxy instance when invoking a method on the proxy by reflection. For example: ...
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    last modified by aloubyansky
  • Branch 3.2 problems

    I was working with a CVS snapshot from last week, and all was fine. Updating to the latest version, I get errors in the CMP deployment... 2004-02-09 20:06:48,359 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCStartCommand...
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    last modified by triathlon98
  • Exception handling in JBOSS

    Hello, Whenever there is an exception in any of the deployed beans. Jboss throws a huge exception trace. I have 2 questions regarding the exception trace 1. How can I supress this stack dump? 2. What should be done t...
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    created by tsrmohan
  • Internationalised field names

    Hi, I'm working on an OpenSource JDO implementation (JPOX) and a user reported a problem with use of Turkish character sets with our system (at the point where his field names are converted into a CREATE statement fo...
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    created by andyjeff
  • JSR-168

    Is there any plan or discussion around implementing JSR-168 on the JBoss platform? Thanks - if this has been discussed elsewhere, any references would be appreciated. I couldn't find any in the forums. Thanks Laine
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    created by lainedonlan