• Problem adding html content with swedish characters

    Hi I edit an html page using the 'manage html' screen, and I type in some swedish characters such as å.ä or ö (hopefully these will be displayed correctly here) and submit the page. When I display the...
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    last modified by fredrik
  • Display module to all users

    I created a new module which shows "Hello World", but i can only see it in the modules menu when i'm logged in as admin. Here's the jboss-service.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <server>...
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    last modified by pedrojosemartins
  • JBoss Portlet throws ServletException

    I'm having a problem deploying a Portlet on JBoss Portal (2.0 alpha). I was attempting to create a hello world portlet as a starting point. It deplys fine but throws the following exception when I call it. Can anyone ...
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    last modified by jmckee
  • problem to change language!!

    I have the necesaries files for translate nukes to Spanish language (Resources_es_ES in all blocks, modules and themes), but I don´t know how to change. Where do the changes? what files are modify? I´m Sp...
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    last modified by mikykyn
  • Frustrating! What IS JBoss/Nukes?

    {vent} You know, as astounding as it may seem, there are people out there who've never used PHP, much less Nukes. And barely know about CMS. I'm a Java programmer, and could take the time to research all of that stuff...
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    last modified by gary_kephart
  • Accessing XML documents

    Hello im using nukes for CMS. I would like to use xml to hold information. How can i implement this.
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    created by paarsar
  • SQL Exception

    Hi, I am a tester of JBOSS applications. My development team says that SQL exceptions thrown by JBOSS cannot be handled. And I trust them, Is there a way to handle it at server side. One such Exception is java.sql....
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    created by kanth_seenu
  • Problem with getting Block to render when Logged in

    Hi i've created a block it shows up on the front page but it doesn't show up when i log in here is the mbean reference in jboss-service.xml <mbean code="org.jboss.nukes.core.modules.user.blocks.SSMenuBlock" nam...
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    last modified by paarsar
  • Help I cant get my images to render

    hello i've deployed a new theme as a service, within this html of the Theme Java object im referencing images, the all come up broken, where do i store the images and how do i reference them thanks
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    last modified by paarsar
  • Incorrect data for 'posts' field

    On the jboss site, the user's email is displayed in the 'posts' field. Can this get fixed?
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    last modified by sgodden
  • Module deploy missing?

    I've deployed Nukes 1.1 from source. When i enter 'Home', in the login block, the login button reads ${"core._LOGIN"}. Did i miss/forget something? Thanks in advance, Pedro Martins Lisboa-Portugal
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    created by pedrojosemartins
  • Module deploy missing?

    I've deployed Nukes 1.1 from source. When i enter 'Home', in the login block, the login button reads ''${core._LOGIN}. Did i miss/forget something? Thanks in advance, Pedro Martins Lisboa-Portugal
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    created by pedrojosemartins
  • Separating JBoss and Tomcat

    Hi. Can i use Nukes using JBoss 3.2.3 and Tomcat 5 separately? Or does it only run with Tomcat embedded? Thanks, Pedro Martins Lisboa - Portugal
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    created by pedrojosemartins
  • integrating jboss3.0.8 with tomcat 4

    can any body tell me how to integrate jboss3.0.8 with tomcat 4.0, or from where i can get jboss3.0.8 with tomcat 4 already intgrated. regards Nayyar
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    created by nayyar
  • Problem with nuke!

    Hello everybody! After running the script: sh.buid.sh , i receive the message: BUILD FAILED Here is an extract building process: _default:compile-classes: [depend] Deleted 0 out of date files in 0 seconds [javac]...
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    last modified by undertaker
  • links to docs in modules.

    1. I have a custom module ABC deployed in nukes as ABC.sar and have some documents in my "org/jboss/nukes/modules/ABC/docs" folder, which i need to display through links through the site. i tried - in the template (....
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    last modified by vinkh
  • Static content in external directories

    This is possible in straight JBoss/Tomcat. But what about JBossNukes? Is it possible to link to html pages and/or images stored other place then within JBoss? /L
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    last modified by lepe
  • Is it possible to run nuke1.1 on Jboss-3.2.6?

    Hello I am runing nuke1.1 on jboss-3.2.3. I works fine. Because there is a bug in jboss-3.2.3 and i need to upgrade to jboss-3.2.6. Does nuke1.1 work in the new version of jboss-3.2.6? Thanks very much! Yang
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    last modified by yxyang
  • Site running JBoss Nukes

    I tried adding my JBoss Nukes site to the Wiki with no luck, so... My research group, the SCAPE Laboratory at the University of South Carolina, is running our website on Nukes 1.0. We'll move to JBoss Portal 2.0 once...
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    created by drew.varner
  • Nukes 1.1 and Postgresql

    Hi All, We have some configuration problem when using nukes with postgresql. Installation was OK, we see the default theme, we can connect but when we want to use a module like news or download an error occure : some...
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    last modified by arnaud.tessier