• I am getting the below error in the browser console?

    SEVERE [LogConfiguration] no subscribers to deliver to for subject: org.jboss.errai.security.shared.service.AuthenticationService:RPC   any idea?
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Compilation problem when ApplicationScoped bean moved to module

    Hi everybody,   We had a maven errai project with 1 module containing an ApplicationScoped bean named Keycloak, that was injected in other beans and everything used to work fine. Now we have exported the Keyclo...
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    last modified by milesif.milesif.gmail.com
  • Running Errai projects targeting an already existing copy of Wildfly.

    I've create with JBoss Forge a new Errai-based project (a very simple one, just an hello world page to be honest) and I'm trying to experiment a little with it. I succeeded in using an external copy of Wildlfy,commen...
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    last modified by mauriclaudio
  • GWT and Errai..again about their future.

    Hi there, I hope to get here an advice about a question I'm afraid is asked very often... We are evaluating several alternatives for building web application interfaces, and at least in our case a Java Web framework...
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    last modified by mauriclaudio
  • errai-tutorial Building native app error

    Can anyone help with the error below when trying to build the errai-tutorial as a native app?     log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationUtils). lo...
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    last modified by matt.hibb
  • QueueUnavailableException: no queue available to send

    Hi   Im trying to get our Errai app working on Wildfly 9.0.2, migrating from Jboss 7.1.   The war appears to deploy fine now. But when trying to run it I get the following error. Does anyone have any ideas...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Errors when migrating from jboss 7x to wildfly 9

    Hello   I am trying to upgrade our Errai app to run on Wildfly.   I am getting hibernate errors, displayed below. Does anyone know how to fix this?   appui-dev-local | 15:53:53,211 INFO  [org.h...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Errai 4!

    Hi mbarkley   I see you are giving a talk at GwtCon! This looks very cool!   For us poor bastards who cannot attend, will you be making your presentation available? Please do - it would be greatly appreci...
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    last modified by magick93
  • websocket js error on close + shadow service

    When i stop my server i got an error. see attached image.   Moreover, i'm unable to get shadow service working.   ************************************************ @Remote public interface IWelcomeService...
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    created by jimmy.pannier
  • bus initialization timeout

    Hi,   When i use erraiBusRemoteCommunicationEnabled=true and the server is not accessible (or no internet), ui does'nt load at all . I'm using CDI to inject a widget (in the entrypoint class) that add itself to...
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    last modified by jimmy.pannier
  • Error when trying to use custom template provider

    Hello   I am trying to use the custom template provider, however, when I try to inject a bean, and use that bean, I get an error in the browser.   If I inject the bean, but do not use it - its fine. As so...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Errai webapp becomes unresponsive in periods

    Hi,   I'm new to GWT and Errai, but am working with an application that in some situations ends up unresponsive for some time until it returns to normal. When I click on things that are supposed to show oth...
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    last modified by morols
  • Bootstrap dropdown navbar

    Hi. I'm using an errai template with boostrap to create the application navigation bar. All works right ... except that the click on the dropdown ítems don't close / hide the dropdown menu.   The boostrap...
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    last modified by jmbarone
  • One request for the favicon for every request to erraiBus

    Hi, I have an application that uses Errai (currently 3.2.0.Final version)   While having the chrome development tools open and checking the network tab, we've noticed that we have several requests for our favico...
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    last modified by vwjugow
  • @CodeDecorator and 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    Hi Everyone,   As I understand, there are some changes in errai-ioc 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT comparing to 3.2.1, i mean how decorators work. I have some and it works perfect but after I switched to 4.0.0 it stopped. Could...
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    last modified by treblereel
  • Custom Template provider - how to get page or class name?

    Hello   I am looking to use the new fancy Custom Template feature in Errai 3.2.   I would like to, in my custom template provider, get the class name of the widget that the template is applied to.   ...
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    last modified by magick93
  • @AfterInitialization for local event bus

    Hi,   Simple question: I know that you need to use the @AfterInitialization annotation to make sure that the local _and_ remote eventbus is ready. However, assuming you're developing an application that does no...
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    created by nick.evers
  • How validate keycloak token?

    Hi nerds!   i'm studying Keycloak and how use they. i have ever generated a token, but how ask to keycloak if that token is valid? where i work, have many many systems and i cant change the forms login and use...
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    created by victor.neves
  • SEVERE [LogConfiguration] no subscribers to deliver to for subject: org.jboss.errai.security.shared.service.AuthenticationService:RPC

    This is the browser console message I get when I try to implement "log out" from Keycloak:   @EventHandler("logOutItem")     public void logoutClicked(final ClickEvent event) {   ...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • CDI warnings

    Running Errai 3.2.0.FInal app in WF 9.0.1, getting a bunch of CDI/WELD/DeltaSpike related warnings. I  assume they are OK, still ... : ============================================================================...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov