• [forge-users] Resources loading - how to limit to an addon?

    Hi,   let's say I want to look for a class, but only in given Addon's scope. I.e. not in it's dependencies. How would I do that, in an effective way?   addon.getClassLoader().loadClass() would give me (...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • How to use Forge 2 jpa-generate-entities-from-tables ?

    I have been trying to develop a standard way to generate my webapps from a MySQL5 database schema using Forge 2.7.2.Final on Windows 7/Oracle Java 1.7.0_67. I am creating a text file that contains the commands needed...
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    last modified by gerry.matte
  • Switchyard Addon

    When will Switchyard Addon in Forge 2.x be available?
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    last modified by elogics
  • connection-create-profile fails to retain the database connection password

    I am using forge 2.8.0.Final on a Windows 7 PC with Oracle Java 1.7.0_67.  I am using forge as a command line utility in a windows command window. The database I am connecting to is MySQL with InnoDB.   I ...
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    last modified by gerry.matte
  • connection-create-profile does not recognise hibernateDialect

    Hello. I'm trying to document working examples of the commands I would use to generate a complete forge webapp for an existing MySQL database.   I am using forge 2.7.2.Final on a Windows 7 PC with Oracle Java 1...
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    last modified by gerry.matte
  • Lob of type String creates strange JPA code

    Dear community!     I created a simple entity like this   jpa-new-entity --named MyEntity jpa-new-field --type String --named text --lob   The resulting JPA code is (note the type "B" instead o...
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    last modified by rainer.schuster
  • The requested facet of type [org.jboss.forge.project.facets.ResourceFacet] was not found

    Hi   When I'm running this command from the forge-console 1.4.4.Final "arquillian setup --containerType MANAGED --containerName JBOSS_AS_MANAGED_7", on existing project it fails with the error below :   Ba...
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    last modified by fharms
  • Forge 2 jpa generate entities failure

    After creating a project and setting up the addons, I decided to create a connection profile in the hopes that forge 2 would use those parameters for database connectivity. I was interested to note that I was never p...
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    last modified by gerry.matte
  • Scaffolded beans, @LoggedIn, persisting before access denied even triggers

    I'm using picketlink and annotated my scaffolded beans' create(), delete(), update() methods with @LoggedIn to prevent writing data, but you can view data. I wrote a ServletExceptionHandler that catches the access den...
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    last modified by gnydick
  • Re: [forge-users] Forge 2.7.0.Final released

    And the new website too with documentation !!!!     2014-07-03 3:22 GMT+02:00 Daniel Cunha <danielsoro@gmail.com>:   +1   > On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 10:10 PM, George Gastaldi <ggastal...
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    last modified by Antonio Goncalves
  • Forge 2.x gets stuck at the start

    Hi,   I would like ask whether somebody does not have troubles with starting Forge? Or experience with the following behaviour.   I'm not able to start it on my local machine from version 2.1.x or somethin...
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    last modified by ochaloup
  • [forge-users] Forge 2.7.0.Final released

    Hello everyone!   JBoss Forge 2.7.0.Final was just released.   Blog post in the works.   Forge on!   George Gastaldi _______________________________________________ forge-users mailing list ...
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    created by gastaldi
  • Scaffold gen issue

    Hi,   Is it possible to prevent scaffold-generate from overwriting pageTemplate.xhtml every time ? Forge 1 would prompt you to confirm the overwrite as default behaviour which is useful.   Also, scaffold-...
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    created by paulkeogh
  • Forge2 generating JPA entities does not respect the hibernate.revenge.xml file.

    Hi. I have a (probably stupid) mistake with the forge 2 create entities from tables utility. First, i run this command:   [myProject]$ jpa-generate-entities-from-tables --jdbcUrl jdbc:oracle:thin:myhost:1521:m...
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    last modified by n3k0
  • How to install in eclipse? Can only find 1.3 beta

    Hi   I am following instructions laid out in forge/core · GitHub, and am using eclipse luna, however, the update site links do not point to version 2, but to 1.3.0.Beta3.   Also, after installing, the...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Forge - no plugin found with name [switchyard]

    I'm having problems installing the switchyard plaugin via Forge executed from JBoss Developer Suite.   [swydapp] swydapp $ version JBoss Forge, version [ 1.4.4.Final ] - JBoss, by Red Hat, Inc. [ http://jboss.o...
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    last modified by sbadakhc
  • [forge-users]  Writing files with content

    Hi all,   I see myself adding files here and there on my projects (JBoss cli commands, shell scripts, SQL scripts...) and I use the touch command in Forge extensively. But how could I add content to these file...
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    last modified by Antonio Goncalves
  • parser-json-2.6.1-SNAPSHOT missing in repository

    hi,   trying to mvn install forge 2 got error that parser-json could not be resolved. looking up in nexus https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/index.html#nexus-search;quick~parser-json shows me zero results for...
  • [forge-users]  And what about being able to generate methods ?

    Hi all,   As you might know by now, I'm creating a Java EE 6 Advanced training course extensively using JBoss Forge. At one point, I create a set of EJBs.... and I need to create a few methods on each one. ...
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    last modified by Antonio Goncalves
  • Re: [forge-users] Forge command to generate SOAP enpoints?

    Test   Posted by forums Original post: https://community.jboss.org/message/873989#873989 _______________________________________________ forge-users mailing list forge-users@lists.jboss.org https://lists.jb...
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    created by forge-users@lists.jboss.org