• javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed executing addon-install-from-git

    Greetings,   I'm using Forge 2.12.1 comming with JBDS 8.0.0.GA. Running the following command:   addon-install-from-git --url https://github.com/forge/addon-arquillian.git --coordinate org.arquillian.forge...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • roaster how to add an annotation instance

    how can an annotation with integer values, like @Range(min = 0, max = 10) be added to AnnotationSource. setStringValue and setLiteralValue methods only allows to add String values.  
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    last modified by cuneyt
  • Default Roaster formatter used when calling JavaResource.setContents(JavaClassSource)

    When using the method JavaResource.setContents(JavaClassSource), toString() method is called on JavaClassSource by Forge. toString() method is formatting source body with internal eclipse formatter settings.   ...
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    last modified by neoludo
  • Creating a static nested class using Roaster API

    Hi,   I'm using Roaster API to generate some Java source files.  I would like my Java source files to contain a nested static class like:   class A {      static class B {} } ...
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    last modified by neil.stevens
  • How to add Parent POM to an existing POM using Forge API

    I'm creating an addon that updates the existing POM, I'm able to add dependencies, repository, and various other information using DependencyFacet, MavenFacet etc., However, I'm unable to figure out how to add a paren...
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    last modified by jyothiprasadb
  • Help needed in writing a simple UI validator

    I have a method  configureInputs which is called by initializeUI method (when i create a command extending AbstractProjectCommand)   private void configureInputs(UIBuilder builder) {      &#...
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    last modified by mani_mylavarapu
  • The "cat" command is not showing the java class content in Forge v2.15

    Hello I am a totally newbie to Jboss Forge, I am using the v2.15 and the "cat" command is not showing the java class content.   Please help me   Thank you!!
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    created by jason.bourne
  • Using Forge angularjs addon in existing project

    Hello,   I am trying out jboss forge in an existing gradle project. I have installed the gradle addon and angularjs addon.   After navigating to the project directory and starting forge, then entering the ...
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    last modified by ricksuggs901
  • Is there any way to install an addon from a zip file?

    I previously tried   addon-install-from-git --url https://github.com/forge/addon-arquillian.git --coordinate org.arquillian.forge:arquillian-addon   and it did not work (error 407).   As I am behind...
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    created by crashterpiece
  • persistence command not found

    I am trying out forge and cannot run persistence: persistence setup provider HIBERNATE ccontainer JBOSS_AS7
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    last modified by johndewell
  • Problem with any command of forge

    hello guys, i am an newer user in forge, and i  need help. Recently i tried start a project with forge after install him , and when a type any command i got this error :   ***ERROR*** No such command: {comm...
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    last modified by caiocmsoua
  • What are the prerequisites for a maven project to have JPAFacet

    I have a maven project of packaging EAR, with a file persistence.cml in src/main/resources/META-INF/ but for didn't add the JPAFacet ? Why ? Are there other prerequisites to activate it ?   Thanx for your Help ...
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    last modified by neoludo
  • [forge-users] Who wants to review a tutorial on "Creating and testing a command that creates Java code" ?

    Hi all,   We are working on a set of tutorials on "How to create and test a new command" so new comers can contribute better in an easier way. There are a few JIRAs here about this topic :   https://issu...
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    last modified by Antonio Goncalves
  • How does Forge support Gradle

    I tried giving Gradle dependency in my forge-addon parent pom.xml as   <dependency>   <groupId>org.jboss.forge.addon</groupId>   <artifactId>gradle</artifactId>  ...
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    created by mani_mylavarapu
  • How to give gradle addon dependency

    Hi, I want to add Gradle dependency through code like this   GradleModelBuilder builder = GradleModelBuilder.create(); model.addTask(GradleTaskBuilder.create() . setName("newTask") . setDependendsOn(Gradle...
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    last modified by mani_mylavarapu
  • Problem creating test for a new addon I'm developing

    I'm creating a forge addon and following the below folder structure of having seperate addon, impl, tests and api folders. I wrote my Facet implementation in Impl. I'm able to successfully execute the addon. However, ...
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    last modified by jyothiprasadb
  • Need explanation for forge addon folder structure

    I always have a doubt that why does a forge addon folder structure is something like   addon impl api tests   what is the relation between each other.And when we install addon why do we have to run insta...
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    last modified by mani_mylavarapu
  • (FR reading) Technical reviewer needed

    Hello,   I wrote an article for the French Linux Magazine about addons. I'm looking for someone who understands the subject, possibly have written several addons, and reads French so that person could do the te...
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    last modified by alwad
  • ClassLoading - how to make every class (in the visited project) accessible ?

    Hello,   The context is using one's own addon in a second project. Say this addon manipulates all the @Path classes   As I was playing with code generation, I faced issues while trying to do Class.forName(...
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    last modified by alwad
  • sometimes forge command is not visible in both windows and linux environments

    I am trying to create a forge addon.My environment is linux.I built the project with maven and then i installed the addon.Lets say my command is "abc".Forge addon installation went successful.So now when i try Crtl+Al...
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    last modified by mani_mylavarapu