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Thread CDI error when attempting to create scaffold.
CDI error when attempting to create scaffold.Hi all I recently discovered this amazing tool Forge. Thanks to everybody involved in making it.I downloaded the latest version 3.7.2 and added the forge executable to my path. All works very well apar...
Thread JBDS 10.4.0.GA - Embedded Forge console very slow
JBDS 10.4.0.GA - Embedded Forge console very slowHi, I'm using JBDS 10.4.0.GA with Forge embedded console. In the Window->Show View menu I'm selecting Other->Forge Console and the Forge console window displays. Then I click on the Icon labeled "Start 3.6.1.Fi...
Thread Any way to create initializers with the Roaster API?
Any way to create initializers with the Roaster API?Is it possible to create initializers (instance or class) with Roaster? I’m currently in need of the ability to generate a static initializer using the API and I wasn’t sure if the presence of ticket https...
WildFly swarm add-on failsI am getting a compilation error installing the wildfly swarm addon. I have tried it on two forge distributions (3.4.0.Final and 3.6.1.Final). After starting forge I tried adding the swarm addon and after about two ho...
Thread Forge 3.6.1 Generated validation.xml has incorrect xsi:schemaLocation
Forge 3.6.1 Generated validation.xml has incorrect xsi:schemaLocationThe standard validation.needs the second term to be a full URL or a warning occurs. It should be xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.org/xml/ns/javax/validation/configuration http://www.jboss.org/xml/ns/javax/val...
Thread jpa-generate-entities-from-tables can not connect to mysql database
jpa-generate-entities-from-tables can not connect to mysql databaseWith forge 3.6.1.Final, it seems that I have an error in my command. Either I have an incorrect parameter name or the parameter sequence is incorrect for : jpa-generate-entities-from-tables --jdbc-url jdbc:mysq...
Required inputs not satisfiedHello, I have a problem while developing my own forge-(scaffolding-)addon. Following the forge-tuturial 'Hands on lab' I wrote some commands like this: /**
* Only for testing the correct injection of t...
Is Gradle Support deprecated?I have installed in my Ubuntu: Gradle 3.5 Forge 3.6.1 Forge Gradle addon 3.0.0 When I try run project-new command with "--build-system Gradle", an exception occur: Facet type [org.jboss.forge...
Thread Format Java Source Code using Roaster.format
Format Java Source Code using Roaster.formatString javaCode = "public class MyClass{ private String field;if(condition){return true;}else{return false;}}"; String formattedCode = Roaster.format(javaCode); System.out.println(formattedCode); Can it retu...
Roaster Complex TypeVariable supportHi, With Roaster is it possible to add complex TypeVariable like this one interface Action<A extends Action<A>> I'm building an Ecore to FXJO library with fluent API and it requires to chai...
Roaster Parameter with Ellipsis supportRoaster allows adding Array as parameter. myMethod.addParameter("java.lang.String[]", "args"); Is there an hidden way to add ellipsis instead like this : myMethod.addParameter("java.lang.String...
Thread It is possible find start and end lines of nested types with Roaster?
It is possible find start and end lines of nested types with Roaster?I want to find start and end lines of all methods and types(class, enum, interface, annotation) of file. I found solution only for methods but not for nested types. Is it possible with Roaster? My solution for...
Mongodb addon requestCan I request mongodb driver addon? I prefer asynchronous mongodb driver since it promising fast performance . At least for compile scope, I think what we need is Mongodb driver and netty. Then we may connect via ssl....
Thread JBoss Dev Studio 10.2 and no command filter of Forge
JBoss Dev Studio 10.2 and no command filter of ForgeHi. I am following a tutorial Ticket-monster that references forge command filter that I cannot find anywhere. I am at Forge Console prompt. Is there Forge Commands document somewhere that I can download from? Tha...
jpa-generate-entities-from-tables woesUsing 3.4.0 Final, CLI, trying to generate from tables in an Oracle DB. For argument "database-tables", any argument besides * gives the error "***ERROR*** At least one database table must be specified". Even if I pro...
Project Java7 EAP7 problem POM.When creating the project with the following command: Project-new -named myfinance --top-level-package com.happforge --type war --final-name MyFinance --stack JAVA_EE_7 --version 0.0.1-Alpha --target-location D: \ St...
Opening project without jboss forgeIs it possible to open a project that I started creating for Forge but I stopped and now I have to continue from the beginning I had stopped?