• Sending large files over ActiveMQ

    I am working on a project where I will probably have two to three ActiveMQ brokers setup in a chain where I will need to be publishing files that can be anywhere from a few MB to over 70 MB in size. I have already bee...
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    last modified by brett_brettl
  • Failed to fill batch | Could not locate data file.

    Hi Team,   We are running load test on a apache-activemq-5.4.1-fuse-01-00 message broker with master/slave shared file system on NFS. The load is around 150+ messages/sec. The messages are 100Kb messages. We hav...
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    last modified by surajsathyapal
  • Uninstall folder is missing in ActiveMQ 5.4.1-fuse-01-00 relase

    Is it on purpose that AMQ 5.4.1 doesn't have the uninstallation folder. I downloaded the .tar today and it doesn't seem to have the uninstallation folder. Pls clarify
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    last modified by basheeruddin
  • Error creating tables on Oracle jdbc store

    Hi   There seems to be an error when using Oracle 10.3. as jdbc store with fuse messagebroker version 5.4.1   I have confirmed that it works with messagebroker version 5.3.1   Stacktrace: 2010-11-30...
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    last modified by pax95
  • How to enable advisory topics on ActiveMQ 5.4.0 ?

    Greetings,   The ActiveMQ documentation mentions more than 20 advisory topics. However, in my installation I only have 3: ActiveMQ.Advisory.Connection, ActiveMQ.Advisory.Queue, and ActiveMQ.Advisory.Topic. The a...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Configuration for the web console to display double byte characters?

    Hi,   is there a configuration to allow the web console to display double byte characters using a web browser like IE or Google Chrome?   It appears Fuse Message broker can properly process the double byte...
  • MB 5.4: more then one duplext network connectors to the same remote broker

    Hi,   We have 3 duplex network connectors (with different names) from broker A to the remote broker B. Those NC shares different queues with different TTLs and conduitSubscriptions property.   With MB 5.3...
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    last modified by ciand7
  • Message replay capabilities

    Hi,   I just started looking at FUSE and had a question. If this is already in the forums, forgive me as I could not find it.   I have a need to be able to replay messages. For example, assume that a subsc...
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    created by bferguson2_fuse
  • javax.jms.JMSException: Unmatched acknowledge

    We are using AMQ 5.3.2 on windows platform. We have a windows service as message consumer. The windows service might spawn up to 20 threads to get messages from the broker. We also have a message bus wrapper singleton...
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    last modified by qwang_qwang
  • Can't make JMX connection to Message Broker.

    I am using apache-servicemix-4.2.0-fuse-01-00 and trying to establish a JMX client connection to ActiveMQ. I am getting "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jmxrmi" on the connect() method. Important to note the below...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • AMQ#2455  problem still persists with weblogic/activeMQ bridge for 5.4

    Hi there   I have a bridge configured at activeMQ to connect to weblogic 10.3.3. Inbound/outbound msgs flow well until I shutdown my weblogic server. When weblogic server restarts, activeMQ inbound flow ...
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    last modified by vvchoy
  • Is it possible to query a queue and clone a message but leave it on queue

    Is it possible to query an ActiveMQ queue for messages containing something, if there are any get the latest one and return the message contents but leave the message on the queue.   I have this scenario where t...
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    last modified by hhasting
  • KahaDB slow startup and lot of db*.log files

    Hi, We have a problem with AMQ KahaDB installed as part of FUSE ESB 4.2-fuse-01-00. Exact version is 5.3.0.fuse-01-00.   After 2-3 days of uptime, disk storage (data/activemq/default) filled with Hundreds (400-...
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    last modified by ciand7
  • Load balancing issue in ActiveMQ Clustering

    Hi,   I am new to ActiveMQ . I am facing an issue with ActiveMQ Load Balancing.   We have 3 ActiveMQ instance running on different systems.   Broker-1 has 2 Consumers, Broker-2 has 1 consumer, Broker...
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    last modified by mmkrishna2008
  • cannot find ip of broker attempting ssl connection with certificate_unknown

    I am getting a repeating error every few minutes and I cannot find the ip address of the remote broker attempting to connect to the broker with this error.   there is not enough information in the 2 logs t...
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    last modified by dgdavis00
  • store memory close to 100%

    Hello all, We are using apache-activemq-5.4.0-fuse-00-00 and the system is running properly for days. But sometimes we see that all our producers are paused due to the fact that the "Memory percent used" is close to ...
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    last modified by dan.cojocar
  • Mixing Slow and Fast Consumers on a topic.

    My scenario in ActiveMQ 5.3:      I have a fast producer/publisher to topic A.    I have both Fast and Slow Consumers/Subscribers on topic A .   The behavior I am seeing is that the P...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • jvm crash

    Hello all, I'm using fuse-message-broker-5.3.1-02-00 and MDB deployed in resin to consume messages from a queue. When I receive a certain message content, jvm will crash when trying to read the message from the que...
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    last modified by dan.cojocar
  • KahaDB Disaster Recovery

    Some questions:   - What would be a likely scenario for kahaDB to get corrupted (i.e., partially or completely not being recoverable anymore) - Assuming there is a possibility of recovering messages, and the ex...
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    last modified by lufe
  • Fuse 4.3 configuration broker problem

    Hi,   I try to add networkConnections section to activemq-broker.xml file (placed in etc directory) and when I restart Fuse I see following error   3:14:52,956 | WARN  | Thread-6   ...
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    last modified by andii