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Thread Documentation Updates
Documentation UpdatesThe doc team has been busy over the last few months. We have added documentation on the following: configuring endpoints and clients JAXB data mapping Publishing services in an OSGi container WSDL boot strappin...
Thread Receive NoClassDefFoundError:javax.crypto.b error on AIX
Receive NoClassDefFoundError:javax.crypto.b error on AIXHi, We runa fuse service which workds fine on sun java. we have some encryption and decryption usage within the project. However when run on AIX we get NoClassDefFoundError:javax.crypto.b error when we attemp...
Question regarding notification/JMS Publish-subscribeHi, I am trying to implement a service provider which does not only support request-reponse and one-way operations, but also sends notifications via the JMS publish-subscribe mechanism. I know CXF doesn't supp...
cxf-osgi small questionHello All, I have been playing with the sample cxf-osgi that is included in examples directory of FUSE ESB. It works on my machine. I am able to access the WS end-point at http://localhost:8080/cxf/HelloWorld?wsdl. ...
Thread Urgent -MultiplexingConsumerProcessor Error while handling jms message
Urgent -MultiplexingConsumerProcessor Error while handling jms messageHi, I am using fuse-esb- and fuse-message-broker- My requirrement is to build a cxf-se SU which has wsdl and implementation class.I have servicemix-jms SU which acts as consumer and picks up t...
Thread jaxws:endpoint configuration, same portName used in two Services.
jaxws:endpoint configuration, same portName used in two Services.Hello all, I notice when configuring an endpoint in CXF config file one uses the /PortName. <jaxws:endpoint name="SoapPort" createdFromAPI="true I have seen some WSDLs that have the same PortName ...
OSGi Bundle Bug: Hyphen's in MANIFESTAll, While attempting to deploy the FUSE Services Framework (CXF) to the Springsource DM OSGI container I received an error related to parsing the MANIFEST.MF file. I encountered a similar error...
Thread Unable to integrate Fuse tools in to Eclipse
Unable to integrate Fuse tools in to EclipseI tried integrating Eclipse with IONs Fuse tools based ont he steps in the link http://open.iona.com/wiki/display/ProdInfo/FUSEEclipseTools But at Step "Updating Eclipse from the FUSE Update Site", P...
Thread unable to run wsdl_first sample application in servelt container
unable to run wsdl_first sample application in servelt containerwhen i want to run wsdl_first in samples using servlet container(tomcat 5.5), i created war file and deployed in tomcat. Using java, i executed the command "java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CXF_HOME%\etc\logging....
executing wsdl_first in sampleshi, thanks for your kind reply. In wsdl_first,i have executed till "wsdl2java -d build\classes -compile .\wsdl\hello_world.wsdl" and it went fine so far. after that i executed the three commands mentioned in readme....
Thread error: unable to find cxf-manifest.jar file
error: unable to find cxf-manifest.jar fileHi, when i want to run the command wsdl2java -d build/classes ..........(to generate java from wsdl), i am getting the error message like "'wsdl2java' is not recognized as an internal or external command".........wha...
CXF SE causing NPEHi, I have a serious problem with CXF SE (2.0.6) component which I use for implementing web service endpoint. My web service executes Drools engine (not servicemix-drools) and terminates with exception during...
Thread FUSE Services Framework 2.0.6 is now available
FUSE Services Framework 2.0.6 is now availableFUSE Services Framework 2.0.6 is now available for download from here: http://open.iona.com/downloads/ See release notes for the list of new features, improvements and issues fixed in this release.
Thread Bad Enumeration Value: 'extension restriction' when using java2wsdl
Bad Enumeration Value: 'extension restriction' when using java2wsdlHi all, I am new in using Fuse Service Framework (and CXF of course). Trying to create the wsdl of a Java Web Service for wich i have written the SEI I get this: org.apache.cxf.tools.common.ToolException: org...