• Startup Problem GateIn 3.2.0-Final-Tomcat6

    Vista Hom Premium JDK 1.6.0_25   Got following startup exception:   SEVERE: Cannot create the portal container 'portal' . ServletContext: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade@502819 java.lan...
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    last modified by thomasrt
  • PortletTheme not working Dexo.product.developing=false

    i have modify the default theme stylesheet.css , only chance the images of the borders and buttons.   when Dexo.product.developing=true   the theme is displayed ok. but when false, some parts are missin...
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    last modified by spikemon
  • GateIn 3.2.0.Final on existing jboss-as-7.1.0.Final installation?

    Is there a package available I can import import via 'Import/Existing Maven Project' into 'JBoss Developer Studio' and then 'Add and Remove...'  'Publish to the server'?
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    last modified by bussien
  • What is the WEBDAV url to access Gatein 3.2 's JCR

    There is no documentation on how to acess Gatein's JCR with WEBDAV in authenticated mode. Some forums speak about :     http://localhost:8080/rest/private/jcr/repository/system/   But this Causes a : ...
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    last modified by opic
  • RichFaces Sample Portlet on GateIn 3.2 AS7 Preview

    Hi there!   I downloaded the GateIn 3.2 AS7 Preview bundle and was able to start it without an error.   Next step was to download the Richfaces Portlet Example from Jboss Central. Deployment of this portle...
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    last modified by uwew
  • Gatein 3.2 startup error

    the console  drop this   15:54:27,115 INFO  [STDOUT] Creating a new session of the 'sample-ext' 15:54:31,263 ERROR [PortletApplicationController] Error while rendering the porlet org.exoplatform.gro...
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    last modified by spikemon
  • Problem with Seam Portlet gatein 3.2

    I have follow same guides from the forum, but i can't make a seam portlet work properly as if it isn't a portlet. in the portlet, the popup menu for search and edit the generated entity doesn't appear. Also throw sam...
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    last modified by spikemon
  • And now some screencasts on REST for GateIn Management

    With the release of GateIn 3.2, I'm happy to release some more screencasts, this time focusing on the REST interface of the new GateIn Management component.   The first screencast just shows an overview of the R...
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    last modified by nscavell
  • Gatein with PostgreSQL

    Hello all,   i'm configuring gatein to use postgresql as the database to store the jcr information, i have done this:   1- I have my postgres's driver at:        /jboss-as/server/...
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    last modified by menjivar88
  • GateIn 3.2 GA release date

    When is GateIn 3.2 supposed to be released? I thought it was supposed to be out by now? We are anxiously awaiting it. We prefer not to use unofficial releases, but there are many things that are supposed to be fixed i...
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    last modified by cliffm
  • GateIn 3.2.0.Final release, Java EE 6 Portal and the design of project future

    3.2.0 Final released here!   It took us a while to get there but I’m happy to announce that GateIn Portal 3.2.0.Final has been released. I would like to especially thank Julien Viet with whom we are co ...
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    last modified by bdaw
  • GateIn Management CLI in Action

    As a follow up to my previous, rather lenghty blog A Deep Dive into the GateIn Management CLI, below is a screencast showing it in action. In this video I show the interactivness of the CLI and how easy it is to expo...
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    last modified by nscavell
  • Login page customization - add new fields

    Hello,   I'd like to modify/override the login.jsp page when the first login of an user occurs to force him to change his password.  I've already modified the login.jsp page in my portal extension to show t...
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    last modified by felixb
  • Could not create a new Tx

    Hi,   I'm trying to do some stuff with the JCR like create namespaces but I get this error: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Could not create a new Tx: BaseTransaction.checkTransactionState - [com.arjuna.ats.inte...
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    last modified by rory8000
  • A Deep Dive into the GateIn Management CLI

    So with GateIn 3.2 in sight and the release of GateIn 3.2 CR1, I figured now's as good a time as any to write a little about the new management component and more specifically the Command Line Interface (CLI) responsi...
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    last modified by nscavell
  • GateIn 3.2.0-Beta01 + OpenAM

    Hi everyone.   I am trying to integrate GateIn(3.2.0-Beta01) + OpenAM(9.5.3), but it doesn't work yet. I followed all the steps at Chapter 6.6.5 in the Reference Guide, and changed a few things like these: ...
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    last modified by kkas
  • How can I show a "Picture on head layout webcontent" detail with a custom layout

    When working with "Picture on head layout webcontent" this have two parts: One that can be show on a list, generally the summary part, and the detail of that web content.   By default the detail of that content, ...
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    last modified by rory8000
  • GateIn and JBossAS 7: missing property file

    Hello,   I compiled the latest GateIn with JBossAS 7 support and after packaging tried to start it. This leads to   ERROR [org.exoplatform.container.util.ContainerUtil] (MSC service thread 1-3) Cannot load...
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    last modified by gressho
  • Onward 3.2 Final

    In case you missed Bolek'ts post for the 3.2.CR1, we're about to reach GateIn 3.2 Final soon, we released today the first release candidate for the 3.2.   All details here.
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    created by julien_viet
  • GateIn Portal 3.2.0-CR01 Released!

    On behalf of Julien Viet, me and our all commiters I would like to announce the release of GateIn Portal 3.2.0-CR01.   Here is the full change log   Go and grab the bits! http://www.jboss.org/gatein/downlo...
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    last modified by bdaw