• Updating a brl asset with REST API

    Hi,   We have been using Guvnor for our project for the last one year. Now we are trying to completely integrate the Guvnor UI as well as do some operation on the guvnor asstes by using REST api.   What we...
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    created by shijukk_vda
  • How to access attribute of an object from work item parameter mapping in Guvnor

    I am new to Guvnor. it may be just a simple question, if I pass an object say application to the business process, can I access the attributes of application object in work item parameter mappings? do something like a...
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    created by bzha005
  • Issues configuring Guvnor to respond on an IP other than and port other than 8080

    I am using Guvnor installed with the full installation package of jBPM 5.1.0 and it is responding on the LOCALHOST on port 8080.  I have tried to change the configuration of JBoss so that it responds on a differe...
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    created by vsarmien
  • Guvnor BPMN editor not saving annotations or data objects

    I am using Guvnor installed with the full installation package of jBPM 5.1.0.  Everything seems to be working fine but I am having problems with some of the BPMN elements in the Oryx designer.  The first iss...
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    created by vsarmien
  • Guvnor and JBoss AS7

    Anyone have this working?  Are there plans to make it work?
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    created by mdesignz
  • deploying guvnor in cluster with oracle db

    Any specific process to follow to deploy guvnor on 2 node cluster with 1 node oracel database. i would also like to port my existing repository to oracle db.   Thanks
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    created by t91192004
  • ClientAbortException on  applyChangeSet invocation

    hi     I have below environment,   1. guvnor-5.2.0.Final-jboss-as-5.1.war is deployed in JBOSS 5.1.0. 2. A WebService is  deployed in JBOSS4.2.3.GA 3. I have created a rule package in guvnor a...
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    created by sureshtechspot
  • ERROR Installing

    /opt/jbpm-installer# ant install.demo Buildfile: /opt/jbpm-installer/build.xml     download.jboss.check:      [echo] Checking JBoss AS download ...     download.jboss:  ...
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    last modified by yllsuarez
  • Guvnor Log in Using TOMCAT

    This is very wierd. I am using Tomcat 6.0.32 (latest version) as an AS. Now i prefer using the IDE when working. When i configure the AS through eclipse helios, and ve included the drools-guvnor.war  in the webap...
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    created by starfish15
  • java.lang.ClassCastException: org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.clips.ClipsDialectConfiguration cannot be cast to org.drools.compiler.DialectConfiguration

    Hi all,   I have installed jpbm5.0 with jboss 6 Final, when I try to build binary package in drools-guvnor console it raises an error.   And in the log file exception as below :   Caused by: java.la...
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    created by solecjj
  • Does Guvnor has any logging and audit information?

    hi,guys anybody knows Guvnor has any logging and audit information? for example, what audit information is stored within Guvnor when assets are delivered into it, changed and removed. is there any remote API to quer...
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    created by gxqin
  • HashMap in Guvnor Rule Editor

    Hi,   I am trying to use Guided rule editor where my Input & Output are HashMap.   Can someone suggest how can i use the input hashmap in the conditions (through the Interface of Guided Editor).  ...
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    last modified by agarwalk
  • Error in DRL created from Guvnor

    Hello ,   Below is a rule created from Guvnor and while executing it it is giving me a issue:   Rule Code package ACTIVITY_POC import com.sample.Message global com.sample.Message message   rule "Ne...
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    last modified by agarwalk
  • JBoss 6.1 and Guvnor 5.2.0: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.drools.guvnor.server.jaxrs.GuvnorApplication cannot be cast to javax.ws.rs.core.Application

    I tried to deploy Guvnor 5.2.0.M2 to the latest JBoss 6.1-SNAPSHOT   No more Out of memory, but still a long deployment time and an exception   12:15:44,045 ERROR [0]] Exception starting filter Resteasy: j...
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    last modified by dahm
  • EXTGWT UI inside the JBPM5 project and Guvnor (Help me)

    Hi my question is:   I would need to implement custom UI for the company, I have much experience with GWT, but flat GWT is a bit poor to level visual widgets, thus I have worked on EXT GWT.   I would like ...
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    created by marcelodmartini
  • any roadmap for Guvnor REST interface?

    hi, folks   do you have any roadmap for Guvnor REST interface?   i read the discussion here: [INCOMPLETE GUVNOR REST APIS|https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GUVNOR-1080] [AtomPub interface for Guvnor|http:/...
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    last modified by missedone
  • How to access the Guvnor Rules Output in application?

    Hi,   I have created a web application that retrieves field values from online filled form and apply the rules defined in guvnor. Now, I am trying to get the rules output i.e. the value set in Then and I want to...
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    last modified by parag_patil
  • Cant login in JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform

    Hello every1,   I am new to the JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform. I am trying to login to GUVNOR using the following available through red hat instructions.   Unzipped the brms-deployable-5.1.0.zip Next u...
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    last modified by starfish15
  • Deploy Guvnor 5.2 to JBoss 6 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

    When I try to deploy Guvnor to a naked JBoss6, default configuration I get the following error. This applies to all 5.2 versions I downloaded, unfortunately.   I already created a JIRA entry: https://issues.jbo...
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    last modified by dahm
  • Drools Guvnor 5.0 Installation

    From Guvnor 5.2 onwards From Guvnor 5.2 onwards we'll be releasing specific wars for JBoss AS 5.1, JBoss AS 6 and Tomcat 6 (and maybe more - patches welcome) that deploy to those app servers out of the box. Drools Guv...
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    last modified by jervisliu