• jBPM console project information

    I've put together an overview including source repositories, building and testing as well as a high level design overview: https://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12879
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • New GWT-Ext free Toolkit

    I have started to build around my previous effort with GWT-Mosaic. I am about 4 days of work in, and here's a video showing what I've done so far. Every single component here is either Apache or MIT licensed: http:/...
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    last modified by cbrock
  • Added a patched XmlHttPProxy

    Forgot to mention that it allows you to bypass the same origin policy as well.
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Some notes on installation

    Hi all, i should try this new console...but when i'm going to launch it with mvn gwt:gwt i obtain some error. First of all, when project is on my filesystem, i start with mvn eclipse:eclipse ...so I download all ne...
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    last modified by dkmorb
  • Exception at authentication

    I installed JBPM 3.3.0 via installer, JSF console works fine but when i log in with GWT console i get the following execption (on FF3) : [Exception... "'java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown error upon login attempt' w...
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    last modified by smichea
  • About this forum

    This forum deals with unification of GWT consoles across JBoss projects. It's a place to exchange ideas regarding build/test cycles, widgets, extensions and best practices. In general we aim at providing a single use...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • General editor (plugin) framework

    Michael wrote: Well Mike brock and I are kinda working on that. What do you mean by "editor" here? You mean some GUI type of thing that it is easy to stick editors in? We have something so far that does some of th...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Backend integration

    Michael wrote: I am using Seam currently with the default GWT RPC (its easy and efficient). Seam has some GWT integration (which I did originally) but I just kept it simple.
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Authentication and authorisation

    Michael: I use Seam - so Jaas etc... delegate to the container, or directory server etc..
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • GWT and GWT-Ext versions, licensing

    Michael wrote: Yeah I just upgraded to 2.0.5 and GWT 1.5.2 (it runs a lot faster). extjs 2.1+ went to GPL after tricking people with LGPL for previous versions. GWT-ext uses the LGPL version and adds its own stuff...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Let's get started

    To add some meat to the discussion: Burr wrote: From a SOA Platform perspective ideally all web-based consoles (including Guvnor) all "plug-in" together for SSO and common UI constructs - a single experience for o...
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    created by heiko.braun