• Inter component communication

    We already talked about the requirement for different editor components to communicate with each other.I.e. guvnor to bpm console and vice versa. IMO pagebus, that implements the open hub specification would be a good...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • gwt-console/jbpm3

    Hi, Pls let me know any references for jbpm3 - gwt-console integration. Thanks in Advance, Chatura.
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    created by chatura
  • BPM Console Reference Docs

    I've added the console reference documentation to the WIKI: http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/BPMConsoleReference
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    created by heiko.braun
  • BPM console demo published

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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Reg : Error Binding Process Engine In Tomcat Server

    Hi All, I'm trying to integrate gwt-console with my web application. Currently i have initialised JBPM4 inside my web app and having it in a static field. PVM works independently with Oracle DB and custom config....
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    last modified by gkasinarayanan
  • Mosaic 0.2 improvements are backported to the GWT 1.5.3 bran

    The most notable changes in mosaic 0.2.0 are being back ported to the mosaic 0.1.x branch. This includes the new aegean theme [1] and improvements to the layout manager algorithm. [1] http://relative-order.blogspot.c...
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    created by heiko.braun
  • gwt-mosaic 0.2.0 released

    for the ones not on the mosaic lists: Hi All, GWT Mosaic 0.2.0 is now available. Download: http://code.google.com/p/gwt-mosaic/downloads/list Showcase: Change log...
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    created by heiko.braun
  • Process deployment

    Hello, is somehow possible to deploy a process via gwt-console? If not, what are the options for deployment on jBPM4? Thanks, Vojtech
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    last modified by vojtech
  • Building gwt-console

    Hi, I checked out the gwt-console and tried to run "mvn install" and i got the following error: [INFO] google.webtoolkit.home (gwtHome) *not* set, using project POM for GWT dep endencies Removing units with errors ...
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    last modified by naman.joshi
  • Future of GWT-ext

    Due to the unfortunate-ness of ext future versions, Sanjiv, the author of gwt-ext has been looking into a new JS based framework: http://www.jroller.com/sjivan/entry/smartgwt_is_arriving_soon (SMartGWT) - ideally prov...
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    last modified by michaelneale
  • Report Server Build Dependency Issue

    My "out of the box" maven build for the report server is missing the following artifacts: org.eclipse.emf:ecore:jar:2.2.2.v200702131851 org.eclipse.emf:ecore-xmi:jar:2.2.2.v200702131851 org.eclipse.emf:common:jar:2.2....
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    last modified by bmarbury
  • GWT and Resteasy

    I'm planning on starting a project using Resteasy on the server side and GWT on the client side (the GWT client will not be the only client). One of the problems I'm facing is the fact that GWT only supports GET and P...
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    last modified by markvm
  • GWT still raises login exceptions

    Hi all, sorry to add another issue about the gwt login but even if I have followed all the installation procedure I still get access denied. Here's what I did: -run installer for jbpm-3.3.1.GA -select the core modul...
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    last modified by dimar1975
  • Console workspace framework

    It came to my ears that someone is developing a framework for dealing with the workspace/editor layout and plugin to the console. Can someone point me any resources?
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • GWT-console login exception

    Hi All... I installed jbpm-3.3.0 using installer. I add the users in user table and security role in web.xml with corresponding roles. then i am able to login to jbpm-conosle. But not able to login gwt-console. f...
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    last modified by mr.sathya
  • Attach gwt console to another DS

    Hi all, I solved my deploy problem installing GWT console from jbpm-installer-3.3.0.GA.jar :-). But i have another question: how can I attach a th gwt console to a spcific db instead of HypersonicDB? I modified the s...
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    last modified by dkmorb
  • Seam GWT servlet makes usage of deprecated GWT SerializableE

    Hi, I am happily using GWT 1.5.2 and Seam 2.0.2 SP1 to build a Web application. However, since GWT 1.5 the usage of SerializableException has been deprecated, while Seam Remoting servlet for GWT compells its usage a...
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    last modified by jan1972
  • gwt-maven plugin conflict

    Q) I seem to have a conflict with another plugin that has the same prefix "gwt". How do I use multiple repositories that have different plugins with the same prefixes? If you get errors that indicate the plugin does ...
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    created by heiko.braun
  • Imported svn code compile error

    Hi all, I'm compiling svn code of gwt cosole and, during compilation phase, i obtain: C:\Documents and Settings\pasquale\.m2\repository\com\google\gwt\gwt-dev\null with Includes null and excludes:null [INFO] [gwt:c...
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    last modified by dkmorb
  • Good slides on GWT

    An interesting read about GWT: http://www.slideshare.net/rebornspirit/slideshows
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    created by heiko.braun