• Seam: Update query is called before select query

    I have List of name,when i click on name it will display me the contact detail of the person.but here problem is At a first time when my list is loaded when i select any name then the detail for the same person is s...
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    created by kanti1702
  • nested transactions not supported

    Although after each commit I close the session but sometimes my code runs into following error. Once I do the same operation for few times it surpass the error and works.         Messages: ...
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    created by jackramzi
  • Session is closed.

    Hi,   I am using Jboss 7.1.1 Final and my application embeds Hibernate 3.5.    When saving an object MyClass containing these 2 realtions, I have the following exception.    @Entity @Au...
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    created by raickman
  • Is it possible to get the audited field names and their values from the envers API?

    I know the audited class name(audited fields only not class), from that class is it possible to get the audited field names through envers API? Through reflections i achieved that but i need from envers API and at the...
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    last modified by sandya2309
  • NPE with forRevisionsOfEntity query on an entity with a @ManyToOne relation

    Hi   I have 2 entities Limits and UserGroup where Limits is audited and UserGroup is not. They are audited ad follows- Entity Limits- @Entity @Table(name = "LMT") public final class LMT {    ...
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    last modified by kru.sh
  • Question about the identity key

    Hi All   I have a question about identity key: (1) Is it required a identity key in a entity class? (2) Is it possible to do that make a entity class to following another entity identity key?.   Regards...
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    created by xin.zhang.song
  • Envers configuration in map mode

    I am using Hibernate with entity mode set to dynamic map. I don't have any classes to annotate. How can Envers be configured in this case?
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    last modified by sebp
  • How to write envers audit record to another datasource/box

    Wondering whether audit record can be written to another physical machine for security reason
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    last modified by horizon1668
  • Different behavior between merge() and update() method with 'withModifiedFlag' attribute

    Hello, I am using Hibernate 4.2.2 final version. In these days I have tested Envers to audit my data, specifically the 'withModifiedFlag' attribute. I have noticed a different behaviour when a detached entity (ann...
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    last modified by ucieffe
  • @ModifiedEntityNames with entity names rather than class names

    Hi,   I'm in the process of adding Envers to a... hm.. a bit complex project. I noticed that by default @ModifiedEntityNames stores fully qualified class names of entities. However, this can impact my abilit t...
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    last modified by findepi
  • Cannot audit subclass of non-audited "JOINED" superclass

    I have a problem with trying to get a class to audit using Envers 4.1.10.  Here is the situation as best as I can describe it.  I am using a framework called broadleaf that defines a super class (SkuImpl.cla...
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    last modified by tlerma909
  • How can i write a query on @Any annotated attributes in hibernate4 supported model class.

    Hi I am using Hibernate4 in my application.   I am using @Any annotation. Now my requirement is to write a join query.   @Entity @Table(name="tag_mappings") @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class TagM...
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    last modified by kjagadheeswar
  • Envers without a central REVINFO table

    We are looking to use Envers for a new project.  For this project, we don't care whether entites were modified in the same transaction only when each change was made, so the central REVINFO table doesn't help us....
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    last modified by moriarty-s3a
  • Conditional auditing questions...

    I have the following Entities set up & linked together. @Entity @Audited public class ProductOrder extends Entity  {      @ManyToOne      private User user; ...
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    last modified by jdot
  • How to limit the number of retrieved revisions in a query?

    Suppose I issue a query like this:  {code} List results = AuditReaderFactory.get(entityManager)     .createQuery()     .forRevisionsOfEntity(MyClass.class,    &#...
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    last modified by hltbdivl
  • How to manually assign _MOD column name for the property?

    I am applying Hibernate envers for already existing Hibernate project. I am Tracking entity changes at property level, which creates columns with the properties names with a suffix of _MOD by default, then i am getti...
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    last modified by sandya2309
  • Auditing Dynamic Components

    Hi,   unfortunetaly, Envers does currently not support the auditing of dynamic-components (An org.hibernate.MappingException is thrown: Audited dynamic-component properties are not supported. Consider applying @...
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    last modified by fiatlox
  • Get created revision id back

    Hi.   Is it possible to get the created revision id back from Envers after persist() or similar has been invoked?
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    last modified by veitg
  • Hibernate search with JPA query intersection

    Hi everyone! I am using hibernate 4 as JPA provider in Jboss AS 7.2. Today i enabled hiberante search module and it just works fine. I planned to use fulltext search in some kind of filter(I used Criteria API for tha...
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    last modified by iliax
  • Are there any plans to offer an xml mapping configuration?

    Hello, I just found this project and I would love to use it for our application. However we are unable to use the annotation method because some of our objects are reused across multiple services, and auditing is only...
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    last modified by fatefree