• Hibernate and jsf setting up with jboss 7

    Hi   In the last week i had different problems about the configurations of hibernate... I created a  maven project in eclipse, this is my pom.xml     <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/PO...
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    created by match4787
  • Traversing relations with envers?

    Hello!   We use hibernate envers for auditing. I am currently developing the reading part of historic data. While most of our requirements are fullfilled by envers, one thing could not be achieved: The traversin...
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    last modified by danielnuss
  • Fail to create FK to revinfo table for each schema

    Hi, I'm trying to integrate envers (4.2.3) within my application but I'm having some issues :-(. The database engine is an MS SQL Server 2008 and I've segregated tables using schemas so I have something like the foll...
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    created by gmlopezdev
  • PreInsert event Listener Hibernate

    Well while working with hibernate , I had a use case where i need to implement PreInsert Hibernate Event Listener.   But the problem with Insert Event Listener,whatever value you update on object onPrePersist me...
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    created by d-synchronized
  • @Audited on a subclass... again

    Hi guys,   I know this has been asked a thousand times, but I've also tried a thousand solutions and it keeps not working... I have a classic situaton with entities A, B and C, which inherit from each other in ...
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    last modified by mpanev
  • Audit query using Set property

    I have an audited class A which has a Set of B:   @Audited class A {      Set<B> bees; }   @Audited class B {      String name; }   I would like to...
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    created by sfalise
  • Query for the last entries before specific revision

    Hi,   I am having difficulties writing a query that will return a list of Entity(s) that are: - less than a specific Revision Number; - exclude any Entity(s) that have been deleted; - and are the latest revis...
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    last modified by edoarsla
  • Wrong Revison Number

    Hi, ich have a serious Problem with the Revision Number in my Revision Entity   My Revision Entity looks like:     ID Revision Info timestamp 10 100 some info 2012-05-09 11:58:42.499 10 102 some info ...
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    last modified by 2014_112
  • Sql with wrong columnname in one-to-many association

    Hello,   I have a one-to-many association between class A and class C, class C  is derived from class B. Class A is Audited, class C is not. B and C are in one table (strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABL...
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    last modified by ulkitz
  • Envers generate wrong audit table

    I'm using Spring Data JPA 1.6.4 with Hibernate 4.3.6.Final + envers into a Spring MVC 4 web application secured with Spring Security 3.2.5. The web application is deployed on a Tomcat 7.0.52 web container, configured ...
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    last modified by marco.serioli
  • Envers Behaviour (Newbie question)

    I'm trying to use envers in my application, but I stumbled upon some subtleties.   I want to know if this should be the correct behaviour.   I have these classes:  Person && Contact Person (i...
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    created by rui.domingues
  • Auditing with hibernate envers on entity with inheritance strategy table per subclass

    Hi All,      Kindly suggest me how to do auditing with inheritance type table per subclass because I am not able to find any documentation for this. I have tried it on my code but it is not working p...
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    created by ashutosh1490
  • How store audit tables into a different database ?

    Hello,   I know that Envers can store audit tables into a different schema or catalog but could you tell me if it is possible to configure Envers to store them into a different database (another persistence unit...
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    created by aescot42
  • Envers - Dynamically change audit tables

    Good morning,   Please, could you tell me if there is a way to dynamically enable/disable audited tables ?   I don't want to use annotation into entities because it require a code source modification and I...
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    last modified by aescot42
  • ClassCastException HibernateProxy with running liferay 6.2

    Hi guys i have a very strange problem with jboss and lieferay. I use the jboss7.1 and liferay 6.2. If I deploy my own ear project and access my ejbs via remote or locale interface everything is fine. But if i now do...
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    created by admg2014
  • java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect does not support resultsets via stored procedures

    Hi , Please can any one reply on this post   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23090116/hibernate-jpa-2-1-out-ref-cursor-in-position-other-than-first   if there is any alternative solution to this issue...
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    created by ashutoshd
  • [SOLVED] Order by @DiscriminatorColumn using AuditQuery

    Hi, Recentrly I needed to retrieve data from DB sorted by Discriminator Column and I'm stuck. Problem is, I haven't found any solution how to to this using AuditQuery. In simple HQL I could use (...) order by Entit...
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    last modified by kklys
  • @NotAudited not functioning as expected

    Hi,   We integrated Hibernate Envers with our product. There is an entity "schedule" which has several fields, including "last execution time" and "next execution time" fields which are updated frequently. ...
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    created by gauravhp
  • How to trace login/logout actions?

    Hi,   I am new to Hibernate Envers. Is there a way to track any custom action taken by user (such as login, logout) instead of the generic "update" event?
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    last modified by kenlf
  • hibernate plugins unable to load its classes, project has higher compiler option than running eclipse

    Good afternoon all,   I am developping a JavaFX application: - Eclipse Kepler 4.3.0, - Jdk1.8.0-ea-b102, - Hibernate 4.3.0, - Hibernate Tools for Eclipse version 3.7.0.Final-v20130717-0715-B84 - MySQL DB, ...
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    last modified by jsg