• Monitoring JMS Queue - timestamp of first message

    We are currently embedding HornetQ 2.3.15 in our applications. It works well. We are planning to migrate to ActiveMQ Artemis soon.   For JMS queue monitoring purpose, we have implemented to list and verify (a...
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    last modified by alfred.holzinger.idv
  • HornetQ, Wildfly Domain Mode, HA and/or Load Balancing

    In a Wildfly managed domain, all servers share the same configuration from the domain controller's domain.xml file.   Question 1: How are you supposed to do HornetQ HA under Wildfly Domain mode when they share t...
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    last modified by jlar310
  • Propagate exception through cluster when address full policy = FAIL

    Assume this setup of a symmetric HornetQ cluster.  Node A is used to route messages to Nodes B..Z.  Node A has no queues (other than ones the cluster sets up automatically).  Nodes B through Z each have...
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    last modified by mb69ou812
  • HornetQ (2.3.20 Final) Message Queue running on Jboss-AS in AWS clustered and multiple regions

    Hi,   We are currently performing a setup using hornetq as a remote message queue hosted in AWS. There is only one queue end point used and the consumers are local to the region on another host.   To achie...
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    last modified by steve.jamieson
  • Modify message body in HornetQ transformer?

    Hello,   Modifying message properties in a transformer is fairly straight forward, and an example transformer is supplied.   However, I would like to modify a message body but am unsure how to get/set text...
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    last modified by mattrk
  • JMS topology (Queue with multiple consumers) and message grouping

    here is a simplified / schematic topology we set up                [Front server 1 (message producer)]  [Front server n (message producer)]    &#...
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    last modified by gab-_-
  • EmbeddedJMS: "java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol"

    Hi all,   I have an EmbeddedJMS that I would like to configure using files located in a non-standard folder (I want to keep them in /opt/config/hornetq), the following files in particular: hornetq-configuratio...
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    last modified by lostvicking
  • jboss 8 -> jboss 9 Q consumer

    Hi Everyone   I am attempting to make a MDB deployed on a jboss 9 instance to consume messages from a queue defined on a jboss 8 instance.   Machines are separate.   jboss 8 has     &...
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    last modified by marcanthony
  • Getting Invalid type code JMX exception while reading messages from HornetQ

    Hi, We have a system running with HornetQ and have mutiple site deployment of our product. But, we have a strange problem that, in one of our customer sites while consuming the message from hornetq below exception is ...
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    last modified by manu29585
  • Inserting Qpid Proton 0.10 in to HornetQ 2.4.0.Final -- possible?

    Hello,   I am presently trying to insert Qpid Proton 0.10 in to HornetQ 2.4.0.Final.   I have tried multiple approaches but whenever I try to establish either the session or connection I run into fatal p...
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    last modified by mattrk
  • Send/receive message to/from HornetQ core queue

    Hello,   I am experiencing difficulties sending/receiving messages to/from a HornetQ core queue.   I get the following error message: HornetQConnectionTimedOutException[errorType=CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT messa...
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    last modified by mattrk
  • Server-side message filter

    Hello, I'm Claudio and I'm new in this forum. I must find a solution for our product architecture. I'm evaluating hornetq as message broker between a server and clients. The server publishes messages with structure...
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    last modified by claudio.dangelo
  • Intermittent Discovery of servers in a cluster.

    We are running embedded HorneqQ as part of a Spring Boot application. Our environments typically have 4-6 servers. We consistently experience varying behaviors where in an environment, servers will form multiple clu...
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    last modified by pczeus
  • Jboss hornetq remote access  javax.naming.NamingException: Failed to connect to any server. Servers tried: [remote://] at

    Hi All , I am new to JMS. I am using jboss eap hornet and its running separately (only use for messaging). I have a standalone java application (spring based) which works as a JMS client (producer and consumer). . I...
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    last modified by cdehankar
  • Out of memory with Clustered HornetQ

    I've been noticing memory issues with hornetq and clustering.  Specifically, once a certain number of messages are added to a queue my server goes OOM   In my setup (both wildfly 9.0.1): Server A Windows: - ...
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    last modified by gabboflabbo
  • EAP 6.3.3 HornetQ Bridges don't work on clean JBoss, no queue found with name X

    Hi,   I have a problem with the embedded HornetQ 2.3.21.Final running inside JBoss EAP 6.3.3   I have found that when running on a clean JBoss, ie delete standalone/{tmp,work,data}, the HornetQ bridges don...
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    last modified by japearson
  • annot convert value of type [org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQQueue] to required type [javax.jms.Destination] for property 'defaultDestination'

    Spring + EJB + JMS   I'm trying to migrate my EJB application from JBSS 5 to WIldfly 8.   Before that i tried and succeed the same JMS queue connections in Stand-alone Application and Web Application its wor...
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    created by kittu_lal
  • Using STOMP in WildFly (10.0-CR1)?

    Hi! When starting my WildFly instance I can see that STOMP seems to be available   [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 70) AMQ221043: Protocol module found: [artemis-stomp-pr...
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    last modified by polyzois
  • stomp-websocket example with WildFly 9

    Hi, did anybody have success running the stomp-websocket example from the 2.4.0-Final download package against WildFly 9.0.0?   For me it works with WildFly 8.2.2, but not with 9.0.0.   Instead of posting...
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    last modified by alexander.winizki
  • HornetQ won't start in Wildfly (netty)

       I've been trying to figure this out for eight hours now.  This is a wildfly 8.2.1 cluster and I'm trying to enable netty messaging.  I want to be able to connect with a remote client, but right ...
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    last modified by jonasventurejr