• Order of Insertion in Infinispan

    Hi!   I'm using Infinispan 6.0.1. and I want that I get values from the cache in the same order as I put them in. For example:   Cache<String, String> myCache = defaultCacheManager.getCache("myCache");...
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    last modified by pranjal.jaju
  • Write Behind implementation in Infinispan

    We are trying to have Infinispan configured for a write behind to Oracle DB using JDBC. Need to understand the logic or sequence of events its done as things are not clear from documentation. We would like to store...
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    last modified by prashant.thakur
  • node is added to the cluster after an entry is added

    Hi,   Please help me on the below scenerio,   I have 3 nodes (A,B,C) where A and B formed cluster(in Replication ) and my application started to load entries and later transaction began on the add entries ...
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    created by dvarunkumar400
  • Exception while using MongoDb as CacheStore for Infinispan

    Hi All,   I am trying to use mongodb as a cache store for infinispan but getting exceptions   Code-- ConfigurationBuilder b = new ConfigurationBuilder();     b.loaders().addStore(  ...
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    created by amit.hora
  • Replicated cache doesn't get cache entries

    I am using Infinispan 5.2.7 bundled in JBoss 7 (JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 6.2.0.GA) to create a replicated cache.   I have two servers, node1 and node2, running using standalone-ha.xml file...
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    created by ridwan.nizam
  • Problem to write data on disk with Infinispan 6.0.0-final

    I wish to adopt Infinispan 6.0.0-final as database very soon, but I still can not to write data on disk yet. Someone could help me?
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    last modified by viniciusfernandes
  • Infinispan, Clustering EmbeddedCache, How to do versioned operations?

    1. When using Embedded Cache in clustered mode , how to do versioned operations ? Or is there any equivalent method? 2. Can we cluster a Hot road server with Embedded cache? In this case how to do a versioned update?...
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    last modified by dinoop.p1
  • Infinispan, how to configure the remote cache programatically?

    I know there are methods for configuring local cache. But how can I configure remote cache programatically?
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    last modified by dinoop.p1
  • infinispan treecache API support RemoteCache?

    Hi    When I used treecache API,I got an Error.   my code :      CacheContainer cacheContainer = new RemoteCacheManager("", 11222);      Cache<St...
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    last modified by sanyueniao
  • Infinispan Cluster documentation

    Hi, trying for couple days to get infinispan running in cluster mode and access through hotrod protocol from a web application. I am using infinispan-6.0.0. the confusions are below 1) infinispan-6.0.0 has 4 files t...
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    last modified by sureshachary
  • Issue with Longer Transaction with Huge data in Cluster with Infinispan / JGroups

    Hi All,   After a length transaction completes in one of the node in the clustered environment, another node is not responding for certain period of time.   We migrated from JBoss Cache 3.x and JGroups 2.6...
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    created by rajhgokul
  • infinispan: modifying cache configuration after cache dynamically

    Hello,   I want to ask a brief question. Is it possible to modify cache configuration after the cache has been created or started, in any infinispan version?   For example:   ------------------------...
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    last modified by myahsi
  • what's the function about modcluster in infinispan server 5.3.0?

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modcluster:1.1">             <mod-cluster-config advertise-socket="modcluster" connector="ajp" excluded-contexts="con...
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    last modified by jeryma
  • JBoss-as-7.1.1.FINAL infinispan FULL_XA transaction issue.

    Hi! I am using JBoss-as 7.1.1 Final on an Ubuntu 12.4 I'm using the preconfigured default cluster cache with added <transaction mode='FULL_XA'/> So the configuration fragment looks as this:   &#...
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    created by gesha7
  • Infinispan Cache Distribution-Asynchronous Mode Issue

    Hi,   We are using infinispan in Distributed(Asynchronous) mode with 2-nodes. I am able to put a key in the cache, but not able read it immediately its returning null (Probably next statement).I tried in 2-ways ...
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    last modified by senthil.se
  • Accessing infinispan cache across diffrent network

    Here we have situation in which we have one service which needs to be run in cluster mode for which we preferred infinispan for detection of services running on different machines and have data in concurrent mode. 1...
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    created by vinayakdk
  • Infinispan cluster on JBossAS and JavaSE - A working example

    A few days ago I faced the requirement to create an infinispan cluster composed by a JBoss node and a number of spring standalone applications. Even though, I knew that this set up is feasible I was not able to find ...
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    last modified by tkon
  • org.infinispan.marshall.NotSerializableException: Object of type class java.util.ArrayList expected to be marshallable

    Hi all,   I am trying to get infinispan cache from Jboss and put List<Object> as a key and String as data.getting the below exception   org.infinispan.marshall.NotSerializableException: Object of ty...
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    created by kavyn
  • Infinispan configuration

    i download infinispan recently. and unzip it and run guidemo.bat  but i have three question and need help from anybody can answer me and thankyou..   q1: how can i switch to different configuration file e...
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    last modified by medo
  • Problems with distributed index initialization

    Hi all,   I'm trying to configure 2 caches with indexing. I configured Infinispan as directory provider for the index with jgroups as worker backend. When i work with the "namedCache1" to initialize the index,...
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    created by cluc