• How to view and edit infinispan cache data remotely

    I have configured infinispan cache embedded with wildfly8.2 server. For that I added the below entry in my standalone.xml <cache-container name="mycache" default-cache="cachedb"> <transport lock-timeout...
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    last modified by sujithps
  • NoSuchMethodError in Hotrod Client

    I'm facing the following error:   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.infinispan.commons.configuration.AbstractTypedPropertiesConfiguration.<init>(Ljava/util/Properties;)V  &...
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    last modified by rameshprml
  • Is it possible in infinispan to restrict the number of entries on basis of type of entries?

    Hi,      Our requirement is like I have to put two different type of entities in cache and then start the eviction based on the number of instances of these two different entities. Any suggestions...
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    last modified by govinds
  • Jboss AS7 missing a runtime dependency after moving Jboss from a computer to another

    I use STS(spring tool suite 3.7 ) and JAVA 6 to develop a web application , i also use primefaces 4.0 , msyql 5.3 and Jboss AS7 as a server, in my pc i developp the application and when it want to deploy it , i copy J...
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    last modified by samouelbellil
  • How to use more information than entries lifespan to control their expiration

    I'm using infinispan for caching objects that have dependencies between them (a cached object may reference another cached object). To materialize this relation, I have a counter on each of these objects to count the ...
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    last modified by abrahamdia
  • Infinispan Purging

    Hi,   Is there a way by which  i can force Infinispan to purge entries while running Please find below code used to get the cache   ConfigurationBuilder b = new ConfigurationBuilder();   &...
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    last modified by amit.hora
  • HotRod Server Side Hashing

    Hi,   I am using Infinispan in distributed mode with hotrod client-server architecture. Currently i am facing a problem figuring out which key resides on which node in the cluster. Since i am using hotrod, the ...
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    last modified by mohammedisaa.khan
  • JBWEB000236: Servlet.service() for servlet strutsAction threw exception: java.lang.StackOverflowError

    I'm migrating my application from Jboss 4 to Jboss 7(jboss eap 6.1 alpha) getting the below error, while trying to search results in my project. I'm using Java 6, Struts 1.2, EJB 2.0, Jboss 6 EAP alpha. Note: The sa...
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    created by runtobruce
  • Failed to marshal EJB parameters --- IllegalArgumentException: Can not set org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap field org.apache.commons.validator.Field.hMsgs to org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl

    Hi,   I'm getting the below error while trying to save a search results using the Remote interface for SearchFacade.java   "Failed to marshal EJB parameters" Can not set org.apache.commons.collections.Fas...
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    last modified by runtobruce
  • Failed to marshal EJB parameters --- IllegalArgumentException: Can not set org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap field org.apache.commons.validator.Field.hMsgs to org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl

    Hi,   I'm getting the below error while trying to save a search results using the Remote interface for SearchFacade.java   "Failed to marshal EJB parameters" Can not set org.apache.commons.collections.Fas...
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    last modified by runtobruce
  • Clarification of memory usage?

    Hi all,   I am working on a project which we use Infinispan as caching framework. I want to closely look what object takes more memory. So I used JProfiler to monitor the memory usage. After deploying the my .ea...
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    last modified by ruchiragayan
  • Jboss Infinispan cache- Query on a specific requirement

    Hi all, I am new to jboss infinispan caching and I have some special requirement for our work  as part of jboss infinispan caching.Would be of great help if there are some pointers/ help on my queries. Flow 1: ...
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    created by harish1984
  • Infinispan Roadmap

    The Infinispan Roadmap is now maintained: http://infinispan.org/roadmap/
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    last modified by mircea.markus
  • Running into CacheLoaderException

    Hi I am running into CacheLoaderException:   2014-07-08 14:06:26.935 CEST [{default}FileCacheStore-0] ERROR o.i.loaders.AbstractCacheStore - ISPN000045: Problems encountered while purging expired org.infinispa...
  • node is added to the cluster after an entry is added

    Hi,   Please help me on the below scenerio,   I have 3 nodes (A,B,C) where A and B formed cluster(in Replication ) and my application started to load entries and later transaction began on the add entries ...
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    created by dvarunkumar400
  • Replicated cache doesn't get cache entries

    I am using Infinispan 5.2.7 bundled in JBoss 7 (JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 6.2.0.GA) to create a replicated cache.   I have two servers, node1 and node2, running using standalone-ha.xml file...
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    created by ridwan.nizam
  • Infinispan Cluster documentation

    Hi, trying for couple days to get infinispan running in cluster mode and access through hotrod protocol from a web application. I am using infinispan-6.0.0. the confusions are below 1) infinispan-6.0.0 has 4 files t...
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    last modified by sureshachary
  • How Infinispan 6.0.0.Final load cache store? Since it removed org.inifinispan.configuration.cache.configurationbuilder.loader()

    From document, the code as follow is anywhere, Configuration cacheConfig = new ConfigurationBuilder().loaders()                 .addLoader(Le...
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    last modified by gabrielwei
  • Infinispan Cache Distribution-Asynchronous Mode Issue

    Hi,   We are using infinispan in Distributed(Asynchronous) mode with 2-nodes. I am able to put a key in the cache, but not able read it immediately its returning null (Probably next statement).I tried in 2-ways ...
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    last modified by senthil.se
  • Infinispan Query - Design and planning

    This document has MOVED.  Please visit https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Infinispan-Query---Design-and-Planning   UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!
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    last modified by manik