• Using jboss-ra.xml to override ra.xml property values?

    We are using WebSphere MQ as our JMS provider in JBoss AS 5.1.  The ra.xml specifies a couple of RA specific properties that are not part of the connection factory configuration, and therefore cannot be overridde...
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    last modified by charrogruver
  • Using JMS managed connections for outbound connectivity?

    If I define a JCA connection factory for JMS connections to a remote JMS provider ((JBoss Messaging), can these connections then be used for outbound connectivity? E.g. sending a message to a remote queue?   I.e...
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    created by henk53
  • How do I specify JNDI name for a .rar in an .ear?

    I have a resource adapter that is packaged as part of an .ear file.   Neither the .ear file nor the .rar file within it are supposed to be application server specific.   I have an ejb in a jar in the same ...
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    last modified by ljnelson
  • JBoss / Oracle RAC load balancing not working as expected

    Hi, We are actually configuring our Oracle RAC with JBoss. We did a big test last saturday, and we could notice from that that when a server in the oracle cluster fails, the connections are redirected to the other s...
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    last modified by maralcbr
  • AS400JDBCDataSource - getting started with two transactions

    Hi,   This is the discussion started by Chris Weddell but hopefully without formatting issues.   I am trying to get started with XA using JBOSS connected to two datasources (seperate applications) on the s...
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    created by esther_williams
  • How to define a read-only connection ?

    Hi I'm trying to define a readonly connection to a IBM DB2 (9.7) database I try several way but without success.   I read also http://community.jboss.org/message/22945   this is my definition   {co...
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    last modified by rmazzola
  • AS400JDBCXADataSource - getting started with two txns

    Hi,   I am trying to get started with XA using JBOSS connected to two datasources (seperate applications) on the same AS400 (DB2) database.   I have two datasources (see attached) and have the following co...
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    last modified by weddelc1
  • HornetQ RA integration

    Hi,   As you probably know, we are integrating HornetQ in AS 6 (and the clock is ticking!). HornetQ now has its own resource adapter and no longer use the generic JMS RA. However, I've some difficulties to und...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • MDB - JCA Transaction issue

    HI, I have an issue with JCA transactions while sending the reply message from MDB. I' ve already posted this in Hornetq forum (by mistake) and this is the URL. Can you pls help?   https://community.jboss.org/me...
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    last modified by sv_srinivaas
  • How do you set a boolean property in an XA datasource?

    I'm using Jboss 5 Beta1. I have an XA datasource to DB2 on an AS400. I need to set a property on the datasource called translate binary, to the boolean value true. Previously the <local-tx-datasource> specifie...
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    last modified by apill
  • AvailableConnectionCount keeps increasing

    I am using JBoss JCA with IBM MQ Resource Adapter. The AvailableConnectionCount keeps increasing for every request for  a new connection from this ManagedConnectionFactory. After some time my AvailableConnectionC...
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    last modified by tizzac
  • JCA / JNDI / ActiveMQ

    Hi, i have successfully embedded ActiveMQ via JCA/RA in JBoss 5.1: http://activemq.apache.org/integrating-apache-activemq-with-jboss.html Now I like to use JNDI to lookup ActiveMQs ConnectionFactory and the Destinat...
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    last modified by moonbird79
  • JMS Bridge and JMS Provider Resource Adapter (JCA)

    Hi folks !   This question was also posted on JBoss Messaging Discussions (http://community.jboss.org/thread/149178).   I'm trying to setup a JMS bridge beween  JBoss Messaging running inside JBoss 5....
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    last modified by bgillis
  • Changinh connection state in CMP EJB

    Hi, I use JBoss 3.2.x on Windows but connected on iSeries DB2 datasource. On our DB2 there are lots of tables proposed to the user, but it depends with wich profile the user is connected. I have writtent a SQL procedu...
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    last modified by lmouillart
  • one data source with multiple database users

    Hello I have problem with configuring JBoss 4.2.1+Seam 2.0.1+Oracle 10 to use one data source with multiple users. I have configured *-ds.xml file with <datasources> <local-tx-datasource> <jndi-name&...
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    last modified by diemon
  • How best to handle DB failover?

    I have read how to configure HA maneged connection factories as well as how to configure a data source to detect if connection is valid by useing:   <check-valid-connection-sql>. Unfortunetly I am still ru...
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    last modified by mcevikce
  • (JBoss 5.0.0 EAP) - RAR contained in EAR no longer deployed before EJB Jars

    I have an EAR containing EJB JARs and three RARs. In JBoss 4.2.3 the deployment order was RARs followed by EJB JARs. This is a requirement as some of the MDBs and EJBs depend on the ResourceAdapters contained in the R...
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    last modified by smceneaney
  • How to reference an embedded JCA resource adapater

    For our current J2EE project based on JBoss, we need to interface with a remote system using message driven beans and a JCA resource adapter provided as a RAR file by a third party. I would like to package and deploy ...
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    last modified by cgrf
  • Network boundaries in JCA?

    Hello, fellow JBoss users.  I have a question related mostly to the JCA specification, but I am hoping that the implementors will jump in with their expertise.   I am writing a resource adapter to a back en...
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    last modified by ljnelson
  • How to create a XA aware connection factory

    Hi,   Currently I have a connection factory that supports local transactions, but since I need to connect to another database I have to transform it to a XA aware factory.   I changed my resource adapter c...
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    last modified by fredk