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Thread xa-datasource configuration problem with MariaDB
xa-datasource configuration problem with MariaDBI am doing maintenance in an application hosted on JBoss EAP 6.4, on which we are moving from MySQL to MariaDB. The last step is about using the MariaDB client (org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client:2.4.0), for which ...
Thread Connections from java:/JmsXA being used concurrently
Connections from java:/JmsXA being used concurrentlyIn WildFly 10.1.0.Final (but also already with 8.2.1.Final) installations with higher load (no cluster), we often see that the same JMS connection obtained from the "java:/JmsXA" connection pool is used by two threads...
Thread Rest service returning 404 Not Found developed using Rest DSL in Fuse 7
Rest service returning 404 Not Found developed using Rest DSL in Fuse 7Hi, I am using Fuse Karaf 7.0.0 and have created one blueprint OSGI bundle for implementing a Rest and SOAP both. For SOAP I am using cxf and it is running fine. For Rest where I have chosen to use Rest DSL is compil...
Thread Dumping leak connections in WildFly with IronJacamar
Dumping leak connections in WildFly with IronJacamarHi After configuring IronJacamar to dump leak connections information, the "leaks.txt" file is nowhere to be found. I am using WildFly 10.1, and database is MySQL. I am following IronJacamar documentat...
Thread Random wrong channel/hostname/port when connecting to queue
Random wrong channel/hostname/port when connecting to queueHello, The application tries to connect to IBM MQ Queue using wrong connection parameters (hostname or port or channel) when sending a message on the queue . It seems that these parameters are default ...
Thread Connection being referenced from previous thread/transaction
Connection being referenced from previous thread/transactionHi there, We have an application (Hibernate 5.1 + JBoss Seam 2.3.1) currently running on Wildfly 10.1.0.Final. The application relies on a JTA datasource (interleaving=false) that connects to a MySQL database....
Will fungal been updated ?Hi, I'm asking this question because I'm using it in production, but I have some concerns about fungal. Fungal is used as the deploiement bootstrap in IJ embedded. But fungal has not been updated for ...
Thread IdleRemover thread in Wildfly is removing ResourceAdapter connection
IdleRemover thread in Wildfly is removing ResourceAdapter connectionI am facing an issue with Resource Adapter connection. ResourceAdaptor is deploying perfectly however after 45 mins IdleRemover is destroying the connection automatically. In my application I do not want IdleRemover ...
autocommit questionI've created a web application using Sun Creator 2.1 and try to deploy it in JBoss 4.0.4. However, I saw the following exception: 14:33:26,329 ERROR [STDERR] java.sql.SQLException: You cannot commit with autocommit s...
DB Connection Max Reuse TimeAs the title already suggests, is it possible to configure a maximum reuse time for pooled connections? I have the following in mind: Optimizing Connection Pool Behavior - Setting Connection Reuse I'm...
Article SOURCE:java.sql.SQLException: javax.resource.ResourceException: IJ000451: The connection manager is shutdown: java:/generalDS/atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/OraTestDSFakeXA
SOURCE:java.sql.SQLException: javax.resource.ResourceException: IJ000451: The connection manager is shutdown: java:/generalDS/atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/OraTestDSFakeXA
Thread How to shutdown IronJacamar embedded properly ?
How to shutdown IronJacamar embedded properly ?Hi, When I shutdown IronJacamar embedded, some non-daemon threads are kept alive. That's a real problem when I try to embed IJ in a webapp. Here is the simpler exemple that shows my problem :
public s...
Thread How to set JNDI port in IronJacamar Embedded
How to set JNDI port in IronJacamar EmbeddedHi, I'm trying to embed IronJacamar in a Tomcat web app. My starting point was the example no Narayana's gh repo : https://github.com/jbosstm/quickstart/tree/master/jca-and-tomcat My problem is that I ...
Thread NestedSQLException: Apparently wrong driver class specified
NestedSQLException: Apparently wrong driver class specifiedHi, all, I am trying to add a data source in JBoss 3.2.1 to access MS SQL Server 2000 using Microsoft JDBC driver. Here is the data source configuration file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> &...
Thread Can't get IJ embedded to work - resource adapter class is null
Can't get IJ embedded to work - resource adapter class is nullI'm trying to get a more-or-less full stack of enterprise pieces to run on top of Tomcat, including ActiveMQ, Weld, and embedded Narayana/IronJacamar. I'm very close to getting it all to work, but I keep tripping up o...