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Article IronJacamar Management
IronJacamar ManagementIronJacamar management The goal of this page is to describe the management features of the IronJacamar container, the design and key implementation classes.
IronJacamar management
ReauthenticationDescription A resource adapter can re-authenticate a physical connection (that is, one that already exists in the connection pool under a different security context) to the underlying EIS. A resource adapter pe...
IronJacamar RHQ plugin developmentHi Jesper, After failed to deploy amdin-console.war to Jetty, we had a new plan to start developing the plugin. OK, at first I have to say, the goal of the new plan is just making us start to write cod...
Security integration for JCA 1.6Scott, if you have time to take a look at the security requirements for the JCA 1.6 implementation that would be great. Here are a couple of pointers to get started Chapter 16 in the specification - it...
JBJCA-263Hi all, I've implemented and provided unit tests for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBJCA-263 I've not yet committed on our svn repo, because I've provided 2 different implementations and I'd like to know wh...
IronJacamar RHQ pluginHi Jesper, Thanks for your information given in email, it points out the way to implement rhq plugin, but we got several questions want to discuss with you. a. we have took a look at core/src/main/java/org/jboss...
Article TestSuite - mapping test cases for AS6 and IronJacamar
TestSuite - mapping test cases for AS6 and IronJacamar1. General Note Every deployment related test should be written with Arquillian Every test that depends on some external deployment into the environment (for example jdbc driver) should be carefully evaluated ...
Enhancing the embedded containerSo in order to support multiple environments for IronJacamar we need to split the current implementation into Embedded -- which is the interface for the container EmbeddedFactory -- which creates the containe...
Parsing and validationWriting negative unit test cases for Metadata Parsers I realized we are not Throwing exception in case of mandatory element missing. We are not validating xml file too, so even if these elements are defined as mandat...
TestSuite - renaming and repackagingHi all, during my refactoring of our test suite I'm wondering if we can make some renaming and repackaging of our test: Remove .test package to have test classes in the same namespace of classes under ...
Thread TestSuite - multithreaded tests and stress test
TestSuite - multithreaded tests and stress testI'm convincing that we need to develop some tests in our test suite running concurrently to stress some multithread feature in our code. Of course needs of this kind of tests isn't immediately exposed by a coverage to...
TestSuite - CoverageHi all, From a coverage point of view our test suite is quite good. The question is how much coverage is our target, but much more important which package/module should have top priority in terms of test cover...
Thread Testsuite -refactoring to make test easier to run
Testsuite -refactoring to make test easier to runHi all, I'm working on our test suite. I'm trying to figure out not only how to achieve a better coverage, but also how to make current and future tests easier to read, write and run. Currently a lot (almost a...
Thread TestSuite - redesign of some tests and "false" coverage
TestSuite - redesign of some tests and "false" coverageHi all, A deep look at our test suite reveal that some of the coverage report, is not saying the true about test situation. Coverage is sometime overestimated. To say that better, cobertura is not wrong, from...
resource_adapter_1_0.xsdHi all, I've committed the first draft of the named xsd. It aims to define a structure of former <connection-factories> tag in old jboss-ds_6_0.dtd. It add some new concept (adming object, resource_adapter tag...
jboss-ra versionHi guys, during parsing I need to know which version of jboss-ra.xsd is in use. In connector-*.xsd the root tag have an attribute version. Our jboss-ra files haven't it. We have 2 opportunity: Add the version...
moving validate capability to metadataHi guys, during re-design of our metadata I've seen validate methods in current org.jboss.jca.common.metadata.Metadata. This class isn't at the moment a metadata itself, but it'd more or less a metadataFactory...
Metadata design - xsdsHi All, I'm designing our new metadatas layer and I've imported in the projects XSDs form jboss-metadata-rar. I've started with jboss-ra_2_0.xsd and I've already done some changes to that one I'd like ...