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Thread try ... finally
try ... finallyThe docs for 3.0 still state that try ... finally is not supported. Is this true? I would very much like to use Javassist for a particular application, but being able to use a finally clause is critical.
Read value of variable with JavassistI'm using Javassist to get the Fields on a Class, using the following code:
for (CtField ctf : ctclass.getDeclaredFields()) {
Thus, all the variables of the ...
Instrumenting Object comparison statementsHi, Is there a way in Javassist to instrument object comparison statements. For examples statements of the form ( a == b) and ( a != b) . I searched the tutorial and the API and could not fin...
Probleme avec le Hotswap de Javassistimport java.io.*; import com.sun.jdi.connect.IllegalConnectorArgumentsException; import javassist.util.HotSwapper; public class Test { pub...
Thread Why creating a new CtTypeClass while compiling
Why creating a new CtTypeClass while compilingA Question regarding the usage of CtClass I have a scenario where I first add a new field to the class and then add insertBefore which is using that new field. I noticed javassist on the insertBefore has acc...
java.io.EOFExceptionHi, I'm using javassist (3.16.1-GA) to change some existing classes and create new ones. On the first stage I modify all my classes to inject new getters and setters for all declared fields, this works...
Using Javassist without compilationI know it would be so funny question. Can I use a Javassist API, such as methodB.insertBefore("System.out.println(...)"); without the entire compilation of class "A"? For example...
How to build a dynamic JNLP file ?How to build a dynamic JNLP file I have a field in dummy.properties file and how can I use that field in my JNLP If i use JSP tag in JNLP then it show error in launch in application applicatioin.prope...
I want to write file through IO ?I want to write file total contenet. I write the file not total content of the file write only last line write. how to write total content of file write?
Proposed enhancement to the Bytecode APII had an idea for an enhancement to the Bytecode class to make generating conditionals/goto easier. I think that it would be useful to add Bytecode.addIf* methods that return a JumpMarker that can be used to indicate ...
Out of Memory Error in java assist 1.0I am trying to modify the some 1000 class files ,my intension is to insert sys out while entering any method. and replacing the class file using to byteCode. Ex Code snippet:-- method.insertBe...
Article Publishing javassist releases to Sonatype public repo/maven central
Publishing javassist releases to Sonatype public repo/maven centralThis page describes the process for deploying a javassist project release from relase 3.13.0.GA onwards to the Sonatype public repository and from there to maven central. Althoguh it focusses on explaining how to uplo...
Problem with CodeIterator.newOffset()I've been having some problems with Javassist which I think I've finally narrowed down to the way that "goto" offsets are updated when you insert new bytecode. It looks as though newOffset is not correctly handling th...
probable bug in javassist.jarAs i was working on javassist for code generation , i found some thing which bother me at some extent. I found some code sinpet that was having a class called CtNewClass . The example was for Instrumenting classes ,...
Thread Problems with proxy classes and a proposed resolution
Problems with proxy classes and a proposed resolutionThis discussion is prompted in part by Mark Stuberg's note and in part by looking at JASSIST-42 which identifies various problems with the current use of writeRepace to support proxy serialization. The comments on JAS...
A few Javassist proxy patchesHi! I'm working on Apache OpenWebbeans and we use javassist - so first of all thanks for providing it! I found a few issues which are mainly based on the way javassist got used in many projects, which ...