• Log chunk reader/writer record counts

    Is there a way to get a chunk step to write a log entry for records read and written?
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • BatchRuntime.getJobOperator() call is prematurely terminating the program

    I have the following code -   System.out.println("Creating job operator."); JobOperator operator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator(); System.out.println("Job operator created.");   I am getting the output - ...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Jars needed for a certain job/jsl

    I have a request where a batchlet will need a set of jars just for that code. What is your suggestion on including those on the classpath at runtime? I can create a file with the additional classpath entries and check...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Subdirectory jobs under META-INF/batch-jobs

    We are wanting to categorize our jobs by system types in the META-INF/batch-jobs by subdirectories. Is it possible to configure jberet to locate jobs that are filesystem is structured as -   META-INF/batch-jobs/...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • JBeret 1.3.0.Beta3 Released

    JBeret 1.3.0.Beta3 was released on 2016-09-11.  Artifacts are available in both JBoss Nexus and Maven Central   A new sub-module, jberet-camel, is added to this release, to support the integration with Apac...
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    created by cfang
  • Job Run tables and 3rd party Scheduler

    I need to be able to trigger a restart of a failed job in whatever step the developer needs run. I wanted to process our scheduler request for a restart and set the job_execution or other table(s) so that when the ope...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Custom XML External Entities

    Having a problem trying to get the xml into my job -   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE job [         <!ENTITY entity-test SYSTEM "entity-test.xml...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • JDBC parameters from a file on jdbcItemReader

    Is there a way to read a list of records from a file that will become a list of a "where in" clause on a jdbcItemReader step? Is there a property that can be set from a batchlet that the next step in the job can use i...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • jdbcItemReader with POJO beanType case problem

    I have a DB2 jdbcItemReader and jacksonCsvItemWriter chunk step that is getting -   2016-08-29 09:03:43.940 [jberet-1    ]            &...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • JDBC reader and passing parameters

    I have a SQL statement where a store number has to be passed in for each run. I was planning to pass that in as a system property and just do the following - where STR_NBR = #{systemProperties['fileDate']}   Is...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Can the csvitemwriter write a file without a header?

    I need to be able to write out a file without a header. I have left the property out and assigned "header" a value of "", in both instances I get - JBERET060000: Invalid reader or writer property value null for key h...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Can a step give a job property a new value

    I want to be able to change a job property value within a step. Is that possible?
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Is there a way to access the job@id as a property in the JSL

    I want to use the job id value in my JSL as a property in one of my steps. Is that accessible?
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • WildFly 10.1 is now available (which upgrades jberet-core to 1.2.1.Final)

    See WildFly announcement: WildFly 10.1 is now available!  In WildFly 10.1, JBeret is upgraded from 1.2.0.Final to 1.2.1.Final, to fix a couple of bugs based on community input.  More details please see [WF...
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    created by cfang
  • Batch Artifacts - access list

    I would like to write a batchlet that needs a property passed that is actually a ref of one of my batch.xml batch artifacts. How can I reference these from within a batchlet?
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Batch Artifacts - access from within a batchlet

    I would like to write a batchlet that needs a property passed that is actually a ref of one of my batch.xml batch artifacts. How can I reference these from within a batchlet?
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    created by richardmoore
  • Getting a list of steps within the job

    I am running JBeret standalone so in order to do restarts I am going to need a batchlet that checks the restart step name passed in to see if it is a real step or not. Is there a way to get a list of the step names in...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Step listener - get name of current step

    I am trying to implement a step listener that will update our corporate scheduler as each step is started and ended. How do I capture job and current step information from within the listener?
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Failed to create artifact with ref name jdbcItemReader

    I am using the ref jdbcItemReader without any issues, but when a teammate copies my source and classpath they are getting the JBERET000600: Failed to create artifact with ref name jdbcItemReader. Is there a batch.xml ...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Result set is closed

    I am reading from a DB2 table and writing the results out as a pipe delimited file when the read fails because the new DB2 driver will not allow next() when the last resultset has been reached without getting a ERRORC...
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    last modified by richardmoore