• Getting

    Hi JBoss AOP experts. I am having problems with my AOP application. I use JBoss AOP in a JBoss AS 4.2. I have ported it to a Solaris box and ever since I am getting errors. The errors occur with the pre-installed ver...
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    last modified by fbrueseke
  • eclipse jboss aop

    please help me i download eclipse 3.5 but i do know how i can integre it with jboss aop
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    last modified by souma
  • Overriding AOP stack in an inherited domain

    If i have a AOP domain with a stack named "LifecycleCallbackStack": <domain name="Intercepted Bean"> ... <stack name="LifecycleCallbackStack"> ... </stack> </domain> and other domain ...
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    created by jaikiran
  • Aspects not invoking in EJB SLSB

    Hi, I am having problems getting my pointcuts to execute when deployed to AS 5.1.0.GA. The aspected objects are precompiled and use declarative configuration. The same aspected objects are being invoked using JUnit ...
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    last modified by whitingjr
  • VerifyError when using  JBoss Cache & AOP

    Hi, We use an entity bean that contains a attribute of type java.util.Set. This bean has the following methods for this attribute: @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "parent") public Set getChilds() { ...
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    last modified by zerotolerance
  • ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.injbossaop.lib.ExampleValu

    JBoss 4.2.2.GA on Windows XP, JBoss-aop-2.1.3 I've run build.xml under jboss-40-install/jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer to substitue jboss-aop-2.1.3 I think I've made all the changes in the instructions for Load-time weavin...
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    last modified by forumer
  • Where can I find tutorials and samples to help learn JBoss A

    I'd appreciate if somebody could point us to some good tutorials and examples to help learn JBoss AOP 2.0. I've looked quite a bit but have been unsuccessful so far. I tried to search in this forum but the search does...
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    last modified by forumer
  • jboss aop deployment exception - Failed to parse source: Fai

    Hi I am trying to deploy an aop application in Jboss 5. The stand alone application is working, but when the war is deployed in jboss I am getting the following exception. Caused by: org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBExce...
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    last modified by rajeshkartha
  • Mixing jboss-aop interceptors with annot., std ones

    Is it not possible to mix jboss-aop.xml defined interceptors, bindings with annotation, standard, based ones? I have create an interceptor that implements org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor and I have defined it in the...
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    last modified by alen_ribic
  • dynamic-aop example

    Hi, I'm interested in the dynamic-aop example and what I want is to get rid pf the jboss-aop.xml if that's possible... If someone can tell me where to put what, I would be very grateful. I've tried almost everything, ...
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    last modified by exodus
  • @Interceptors not working when jboss-aop defined in jboss-ao

    I have a jboss-aop.xml file in my EAR. My jboss-aop.xml defines an interceptor class that works 100%. Today, I tried to also make use of EJB interceptors using @Interceptors annotation on my Stateless Session Bean an...
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    created by alen_ribic
  • No ClassLoaders found for: sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccess

    Hi, I have a pointcut defined on a method to be intercepted. The method can be called from a stateless EJB or a MDB. Interception happens succesfully on the method invocation in both cases. However, once invoked vi...
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    created by lawc
  • Diagrams

    Hello, hello, where can I find diagrams of Jbossaop explaining the architecture? Thanks!
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    last modified by wandxinho
  • JBAOP-734 - what is the workaround?

    I've encountered the problem described in https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAOP-734 and in there it says Labels: Workaround: Workaround Exists Workaround Description: Just treat the exception and the bug should sh...
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    last modified by newway
  • weaving aspects into applets

    hi! alas my searching skills appear rather weak as i can find no advice on how to weave aspects into applets. we have a successfully woven some test advice into a straight up java application, but when i tried it wit...
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    last modified by harryiam42
  • Eclipse-plugin for JBoss-AOP?

    Hi, we are using JBoss-AOP in our project. We are not using JBoss AS (at the moment.) Is there an eclipse-plugin availabe for (pre-)compiling? Using google, I found JBoss-IDE which is not available anymore and JBos...
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    last modified by thkuhlmann
  • Deploy on JbossAS...

    Hi, i was trying to deploy a simple application aop on jboss and i have sucess when my aop.xml has just one advice like that : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> but when i try to...
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    last modified by wandxinho
  • netbeans platform RCP application and JMS problem

    Have a JBoss 5.1.0, with registered topic/TestMQ. Have a simple test code that puts a test message to the topic. Have the NetBeans IDE and 2 projects with this code - a simple console and RCP (NetBeans Platform). In b...
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    last modified by azaycev
  • Deploy on JbossAS...

    Hi, i was trying to deploy a simple application aop on jboss and i have sucess when my aop.xml has just one advice like that : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> but when i try to...
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    created by wandxinho
  • Deploy on JbossAS...

    Hi, i was trying to deploy a simple application aop on jboss and i have sucess when my aop.xml has just one advice like that : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> but when i try to...
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    created by wandxinho